Russell wanted to give chase with Serena. However this was one of those times where dressing like a 1940's detective was to his detriment. Mobility wasn't exactly a strong point and who or whatever was in the room was gone like a shot. Serena would have a better chase of catching up to it than he would. Not to mention he wasn't sure how Serena worked a chase and she didn't know about how Russell worked a chase. One wrong move by either of them could result in a bad situation. Besides she was right in having Russell stay behind to make sure that the crime scene, because that was what this was now, was as uncontaminated as possible. Unfortunately though with them in the room contamination was already going to be an issue. He wasn't sure how much it good it would do, so Russell decided to carry on and said, "[color=00a651]Try not to touch anything around Stanton or his desk or anything else that looks like it could be connected to him in his current state, and you might as well stay here. If you leave they will find out who you are and do the questions at your home or place of work. Better to get it over with here and now. It won't take that long."[/color] At first Russell wasn't exactly sure what else he could in this situation. Then he heard the voice of his old Lieutenant in his head Roy Briscoe, "[i]You're a detective so detect[/i]." Then another idea hit Russell if he wasn't sure how he could control the group then maybe he could use them. He said, "[color=00a651]Everyone, get out your phones if you got them and start taking pictures of what you're looking at. Anything that you feel is out of place here or anything like that. When CSU gets here they'll ask for your phones to transfer the pictures. This might help them out because we would notice things that they wouldn't."[/color] Russell figured that would keep everyone busy and their minds off of what they were seeing for the moment. It's when their adrenaline wears off and they are by themselves that things would start to get ugly within their psyches. Russell was hoping that human nature would compel them to reach out to other members of the group. They now we're sharing a bond that not many others would be able to understand or explain and it would be years before they could move on from this one. Linda would be questioned extensively by the police Russell knew that was a given, and Linda seemed for the most part taking what happened as well as could be expected. The group though they might be another story. Some of them under pressure may reveal things that they wouldn't normally do or feel comfortable revealing which might not help the case. Russell felt a sense of needing to put them somewhat at ease as he paced around the room looking for anything that stood out. He said, "[color=00a651]Keep somethings in mind everyone. One, they cannot look at Stanton's files on us without our permission or a court order. Doctor-client privilege is a powerful advocate for our privacy. You do not have to tell them why you're seeing Dr. Stanton. Again Doctor-Client privilege. If they ask a direct question you give them a direct answer. I know the Lead Detective who will be arriving here trust me when I tell you if you're lying he will find out.[/color]" Upon Serena's return Russell replied, "[color=00a651]Everyone seems to for the most part be holding up fairly well. Although one more bad shock could send people over the edge.[/color]" He said low enough just for Serena to hear, [color=00a651]"I figure having them take pictures might help CSU and deal with not only our mudding up the scene, but also keep everyone's mind busy for a few moments until..."[/color] Just then Russell could hear the ding of the elevator and he could tell by the number of footsteps that the police were on scene. He paused to let the sound of footsteps sink in for everyone for dramatic effect? Maybe, but also to let the others know that things were about to take a turn in a whole new direction. Russell said to Serena, "[color=00a651]Well what can we say about their timing. It's pretty good.[/color]" A middle aged detective in a leather jacket and red dress shirt and black dress pants walked into the room with three other officers in tow. He looked around and then he looked right at Russell and said, "Boy you sure do get into some interesting stuff Nash." Russell replied, "[color=00a651]What are friends for.[/color]" The two men crossed over to each other and shook hands. Russell asked, "[color=00a651]How you doing Bill?[/color]" Bill replied, "Not bad. Was better about twenty minutes ago watching the Lakers and the Heat." Russell took a look at the officers Bill brought with him and said, "[color=00a651]Before we get too far into this tell your guys to be careful with their tone and how they word their questions. Some in this group might not be able to handle some of these guys who try to go all 'Law and Order' on them.[/color]" Bill nodded and said, "Got it Nash. For the time being." Russell gave a nod as Bill texted his officers to go easy on anyone that they talk. Russell said, "[color=00a651]Thanks Bill[/color]." Bill nodded and said, "Sure thing my man." Russell motioned for Bill to follow and said, "[color=00a651]Bill this is Officer Serena Gomez she gave pursuit to a potential person of interest who fled the scene[/color]." Russell said to Serena, "[color=00a651]Serena this is my former partner and a friend of mine Detective Bill Henderson of the 12th Precinct.[/color]" Henderson gave a head nod to Serena and said, "Officer Gomez good to meet you. what can you tell me?" [b][u]Mentions[/u][/b] [@Arkitekt]