[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jvJ31KK.png?1[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 17th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Anelle tilted her head at Maria. "I could do that easily, yet unless the Empress is actually on this vessel, it would be seen through easily as a ruse," she pointed out to her. Anelle doubted very much that her mother would be on this ship. If she had been, she would have come on by to gloat - and to solicit more information as to the whereabouts of Prince Dorrek. A moment later they were back with the others. Upon seeing the skrull with them, a majority of the Avengers tensed. [color=f7941d]"Wow, Princess Leia, you've aged horribly. I always said moisturizers were bullshit, but looks like Pepper was right. Yikes. Do you break mirrors when you look into them?"[/color] Tony asked, holding what looked like a pipe as if it were a baseball bat. [color=#76D7C4]"Stark, is it physically possible for you to stop quipping?"[/color] Hill asked, holding her own makeshift weapon. It was then that she realized a large problem with the scouting mission. They had no way of knowing if the return team were skrulls or not. She had to make a leap of faith and assume that they were all human, well, except for the skrull prisoner they had taken. [color=f7941d]"Nope, it's a medical condition, Hill,"[/color] Tony replied with a smirk. The Wasp rolled her eyes slightly, sharing a bit of a glance with Black Widow. For a bunch of superheroes, they could be awfully childish. Mister Fantastic was helping out his wife with some breathing exercises, but thankfully she didn't seem like she was about to go into labor or anything. Captain Marvel was slowly coming to her senses, as were everyone else who had been drugged. [color=E8FF00]"This is Princess Anelle,"[/color] Wasp introduced, gesturing towards their new ally. [color=E8FF00]"She's been filling us in on why the skrulls want Earth. Their planet was destroyed by Galactus."[/color] "Yes, that is true," Princess Anelle spoke up. "The Empress has convinced my people that a prophecy gave your planet to us, to be our new home world... My people are misguided and confused. The sin is the Empress' alone." Black Widow frowned, taking in all of the information. [color=9e0039]"Got it,"[/color] she then said, figuring they could interrogate the princess more later. [color=9e0039]"I think it's time to storm the bridge. Everyone's ready, if we rush them at once we should be able to take them all by surprise."[/color] she reasoned. [color=B79659]"I wish Ben were here to say this... but it's clobbering time!"[/color] the Human Torch cheered, as he [i]flamed on[/i]. On Black Widow's mark, the group of superheroes rushed down the hallway to the bridge, kicking down the door to find forty four skrulls, all but four of the skrulls armed. [center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 11:00 P.M[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Amelia was too naive and innocent to really consider whether someone she barely knew would have missed her smile and personality - that and once more, Kwassi's presence among the crew was comforting and reassuring to her. She giggled slightly as Kwassi repeated the nickname that she had used for Raynor - Thor Jr. - knowing very well how crabby and ill tempered Raynor was. He seemed to have the emotional range of a pack of hungry wolves. She [i]really[/i] hoped that Kwassi wasn't a skrull. Raynor shot a glare at Kwassi for the Thor Jr. comment. He hadn't been happy when Amelia said it and he didn't want it to become a regular thing. He didn't want to be reminded about his uncle - especially not when Thor was one of the biggest buffoons he had ever known. He hadn't cried when Thor died due to Ragnarok. [color=d86615]"Asokho's clean,"[/color] Raynor announced gruffly. [color=d86615]"And for the record, the next person who calls me Thor Jr. loses an eyeball - and yes, I can confirm that I am in fact telling the truth there."[/color] Bonnie shook her head slightly at Kwassi's description of the President's behavior. She had a different opinion about the entire matter, one that was vastly different than his, but she also didn't have the time to debate with him about it. Niah needed to be seen to ASAP and it was incredibly late - she was exhausted. It was almost midnight. Thankfully though, Niah didn't seem like she was going to fight her about it, and Bonnie directed Niah to the medical bay on the ship. [color=d86615]"Fine,"[/color] Raynor grumbled to Sparky. [color=d86615]"Someone needs to test me though,"[/color] he added. He wasn't a skrull, but he hadn't been tested at all and he knew it would only be fair to do so. Niah was on the ship again though getting treated, so he figured he'd just follow on after her, only to pause as [i]Goose[/i] came rushing off the quinjet and leapt into Mar-Vell's arms like they were long lost friends. He frowned, trying to figure out what that was about, before something clicked in his head. [color=d86615]"So you're how Fury ended up with a flerken..."[/color] Mar-Vell nodded, smiling as she scratched Goose behind the ears. "Hmm, were you good for Fury, little one?" Mar-Vell asked, before kissing Goose's forehead. "Who's my little bouncing ball of photons? You are, yes you are!" [color=FFB795]"Erm, not to be rude, but what's a flerken? Is that like a posh breed of cat that I don't know about?"[/color] Amelia asked. She never really thought about it before, but she supposed since there were tons of different kinds of dogs, there had to be lots of different kinds of cats too. But was a flerken just an alien cat? Were there alien dogs? Could she end up with an intergalactic corgi? Did they have purebred standards in space or was that a weird Earth thing?[center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Quinjet - New Jersey: 11:00 P.M[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Guiding Niah into the medical bay, Bonnie raised a bit of an eyebrow at her descriptions. If she had to guess, the story was somewhat embellished due to the painkillers Niah had been treated with - yet she couldn't discount it entirely, clearly something had happened as Niah was missing a leg. [color=f6989d]"Even if I were a skrull, I would still be mad at you,"[/color] Bonnie said, putting on a pair of exam gloves as she started examining the job done on Niah's leg. The work wasn't the best she had seen, but it wasn't the worst. It was mediocre. [color=f6989d]"Do you happen to know what drugs they gave you?"[/color] Bonnie asked, feeling very strongly the answer would be [i]not[/i]. [color=f6989d]"It's okay if you don't, I'll just need to run a panel first before giving you anything... Well, besides this,"[/color] she said, pulling a lollipop out from a bag and offering it to Niah. [hider=Skrull Testing][u]Cleared by Niah(?)[/u] Cass Matt Amelia Sparky Bonnie [u]Cleared by Raynor(?)[/u] Amelia Cass Niah Matt Oliver Sparky Mar-Vell Kwassi [u]Cleared by Goose[/u] Bonnie Jakobsen Evelyn Mar-Vell Niah [u]Suspicious[/u] Raynor - untested All Other NPCs - untested [/hider]