[color=708090][indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ahB6shN.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TNhsRMh.png[/img] [/center] In normal circumstances, Nicholas Grey would have stuck by his sister’s side. She had the tendency to attract trouble and Nicholas liked being near her to see how much worse she could make it before he had to apply a bit of his brotherly touch to act as her safety net. Conversely, she always was by his side as [i]his[/i] safety net in case he needed a get-out-of-jail free card, especially if someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend decided he was encroaching too close on their territory. Then again, if they posed any real danger to Nicholas, his twin sister, much to his semi-approval, would deck them long before they could ball their fist up. Fortunately, though, this was not one of those times. Indeed, Nicholas was riding solo. But it wasn’t all bad. As Nicholas’ blue eyes surveyed the room, seeing those engaging in the typical party behavior, he made note of those who were doing so alone and who already found like-minded souls that complimented them in at least one way that drove them to drink and dance with them. It brought him a foreboding sadness that a couple who were occupied by company had been people he thought could benefit from his company. Of course, anyone would be lucky to have Nicholas Grey’s time of day. The fact remained, however, he had been standing at one of the scattered tables with refreshments made available (in the kitchen) for more than five minutes and not only had Nicholas not been approached, but he was [i]overlooked[/i] for someone else. And this simply cannot happen again. Time to choose, Nicholas. And it’s best you choose wisely. Though you may have all the time in the world, your presence is a rare gift and not everyone can handle it. So he scanned the room, searching for a suitable partner to occupy his time for a few minutes. He landed on the Queen of Liberty and her current boy toy, Jackson Park. As much as he thought Miki Park was insanely attractive and no doubt was the kind of person who knew the gift their presence would provide those nearest to them, he couldn’t help but shake the uneasy feeling in his stomach that Jackson would take an issue with Nicholas approaching, considering he damn near swatted some poor guy away. And thus the search persisted. And it persisted until he sighed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. [color=steelblue]“Hm?”[/color] He muttered, tipping a red solo cup to his lips as he caught the alluring sight of majestic, fiery red hair and a rather impressive black outfit that went well with porcelain-like skin, the sort of visage that brought Nicholas back to his childhood and the insane crush he had on Blossom. Then that got him to thinking about how it shaped his attraction for redheads. Nearly every single ex of his, regardless of their gender, had some shade of red, orange, or even strawberry blonde hair. As he watched her from afar, seeing just how effortless she was in the party scene, Nicholas couldn’t help but become intrigued more and more by this nameless beauty, this girl who captured his attention from the very minute she so gracefully waltzed into his periphery. And as the moment came when they momentarily locked eyes, though she probably didn’t see him, he most certainly caught the enticing glimpse into her green eyes. Ah, the perfect compliment. His dark hair and sapphire eyes and her dynamic fiery locks with green eyes with an almost nurturing quality to them. [color=steelblue][i]I must know her.[/i][/color] Nicholas made up his mind and leaped forward into the unknown, stepping closer and closer to the nameless girl. He grabbed another red solo cup from the counter as if it was choreographed by God himself. When he got close enough and they were facing each other, he flashed her his best smirk that was disguised as a less intrusive smile, holding out the hand that had the second red solo cup in it. [color=steelblue]“You look like you can use a drink.”[/color] That line, no matter how many times he used it, always worked because everyone liked to drink. And with Nicholas’ confidence and ability to make it sound like it was the first time anyone ever heard it. It, like him, was perfection.[/indent][/indent][/color]