[b][i]Ashton and Flame[/i][/b] The answer came, and it was more devastating than Ashton had expected. [i]Squad 0...[/i] Crowley had been his friend, like a brother to him and Flame, albeit one which even he knew was hiding something - Everyone had a trauma to hide in the Star Marines, after all. Clenching his fist as he looked at Flame, then Narvia, he said, "We're going to the cells." Then to Nero, the young man said as he began leading the way, "Common mercenaries have Magic now? Adult ones at that? The Ascendancy must be planning something," He paused, then continued, "By the way, Team Lamia, Team Horus, and Everyone Else, there's something I should have told you earlier... I don't believe the Ascendancy was telling the truth when they said, or rather, implied, that Kaisoken dust works only when infused into a kid." Flame added as he followed Ashton, "The Ascendancy was mistreating us on purpose, perhaps for some greater plan. Even if we were child soldiers, they could have lightened up the abuse." A pause. "I never trusted Crowley. I liked him, but I thought he was going to cross certain lines one day in the name of 'ending our torment'. Then it turned out he was merely a sadistic goon after all." In the pause which followed, both Ashton and Narvia can tell that Flame still doubted that last fact, that he, normally a professional cynic, hoped against hope that Crowley hadn't truly betrayed him, hadn't truly betrayed Ashton. He had seen Crowley looking protectively at the other boy, and looking at [i]him[/i] in a way which said, 'If you ever hurt Ash, I'll have your head'. Heck, Crowley might have even said those very words to him as well - His memories were hazy and he had wanted to forget! But for Flame Brooks, it seemed to forget wasn't an option. As they drew closer to the cells, passing by patrols of guards who looked strangely at them, he said to Ashton, "This corridor is long - Let's try and find some way to take our minds away from [i]that traitor[/i]." One look at his face and Ashton said, "The corridor is indeed long, and I think I have a way to distract ourselves from Crowley and Squad 0 - At least until they decide it's time to confront us. Navi, can you keep watch for both of us? There is something I need to do with my Omni-tool." "What?" said Flame, "Bet stocks on the food shortage ending when the Ascendancy finally stops playing with the rebels?" He saw Ashton nod at that, causing him to say, "And I thought [i]I[/i] was callous. So, are we donating the funds to Moonstrike, or are we keeping the proceeds for ourselves?" His boyfriend's answer was, "We're splitting the profits among the crew, of course - They each get a few million or more." Then he pulled out his Omni-tool and sent a covert message to Flame, all encrypted, [u]Flame, Grand Admiral Kherol is less than four days away. And with Squad 0 and Crowley already on the planet, I'd give the rebels on Plenty 48 Hours before they fold. Once the news spreads, which in turn will be in some days more, various agricultural companies will have their stock rise again, while various speculators who have been hoarding food will sell their stores of it all in one go [i]or[/i] continue their hoarding to keep prices high. If the [i]Wolf Cub of Wall Street[/i] returns now, obviously under another name, we can take advantage of it to make a metaphorical killing.[/u] Flame sent an encrypted message back, [u]Uh-huh. So we're going to make money from warfare. Ashton, you concern me sometimes. Now, are you still in contact with 'Gloriana' and RealAscendancyStockBets?[/u] [u]Intermittently, even during The War I had my ways,[/u] was Ashton's reply as they reached the doorway to the cell chambers. [u]Now give me some time to buy up currently-low shares in the Agricultural companies formerly collecting from Plenty. Lead me by the hand if you need to guide me as I walk - This is going to be a brain-heavy exercise. Actually, one more thing...[/u] He sent a covert message to Ariel, saying, [u]Hey, Ariel, can you monitor the situation in Plenty as a whole with your Seance powers? We need to know how the Rebellion is faring so that we also know when to leave.[/u]