Druid Girl internally noted that these tow really were from different cultures than her own... Normally, she was fine with trekking through mud and dirt, she was a farmer's daughter after all, but even they didn't wander on out into the fields and start getting all sweaty and gross after a bath! Granted, baths back home were usually done at night,a fter the day's work was done, but still... That being said, she didn't exactly have any better ideas and perhaps - if she was sneaky - she could do more of the talking and less of the training... Though given how Big Red was, he'd probably get grumbly about it if she tried... "Right then. If we're gonna train, I suppose we should head out one of the gates and do it on some grass. Dirt and gravel, or cobblestone for that matter, don't exactly make the best for softening a tumble or fall." She said, with a slight laugh, before gingerly strolling on, towards the east gate of Palisade Town. A few minutes later, the group was outside the walls yet again. Not too far from the place where they'd done their very first job together actually - though no boars were in sight this time. Druid Girl pitter-pattered about for a while, checking the ground and shoo'ing away smaller woodland creatures such as mice, birds and a curious squirrel. After making sure there were no brambles, thistles or other pointy and/or hazardous plantlife in their immediate area, she turned back to the other two. "Alright, so what should we be training?" She asked. "I doubt things like push-ups or sit-ups would do us much good if we're just doing it for today... And the same could be said for running... Oh!" She suddenly realized somehting. "You said something about training balance?" The girl inquired, looking over at the muscular behemoth of red scales. "How do we do that? ... Stand on one leg like this?" The raven-haired girl said, lifting one leg up and balancing on her lone one... A bit wobbly, but nontheless managing to stay upright without hopping aobut or falling over.