[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181109/b14e03f045e666658118663197a581f8.png[/img][/center] Varis stared off into distance as the boy worked through his melodramatics. Every time anything so much as contradicted what this boy believed and he needed fifteen minutes to figure himself out. The boy had all the mental fortitude of Eris’ pet rat. Maybe that’s why the Noila’s hide the whole family away. Having the supposed mage family standard in the limelight too often might expose their instabilities. Varis was too tired to deal with this blubbering disaster and so he just tapped his fingers on the glass as he waited, patiently and graciously, for the boy to process. [color=f7976a]“I’m so glad you’ve come to this realization. Whatever would I have done without your reaffirming words and impeccable sense of responsibility?”[/color] Varis said dryly after taking a sip of his blood. [color=f7976a]“But you want to earn my trust? I’ve given you more chances than I can count, not to mention forgiving you with barely a tap on the knuckles every time you’ve crossed me.”[/color] Varis massaged his temple with his free hand, sighing. He hadn’t considered the boy might ask him point blank. What could the boy do to earn his trust? The boy was nothing but a security risk; any other mage with so little Sinnenodel family training would be locked at his estate until Varis considered them ready for social interaction. Isolation from outside influence would be the first step at home but the boy had a free pass four the next three and a half years. How was he supposed to mimic that step here? Varis leaned forward, catching the boy’s chin in his hand and examining his face while considering his options. [color=f7976a]“Clearly, you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”[/color] Varis muttered absently with a disapproving click of the tongue. Well, maybe he didn’t need to completely isolate him from everyone. Just those who represented dangerous influences. [color=f7976a] “Very well. I’ll give you one more chance. At home, I isolate a mage until their training is done, both to reduce outside distractions and remove contact with any undesirable influences the mage may have in their past. I can’t do the same to you currently but we can start with the most dangerous influence. For one year, you are not permitted to have contact with any Noila mage or vampire, with the clear expectation of Council and school business. Even in those activities, I will either accompany or I will listen in to the interaction via your phone. This includes your family. You may not contact them, you may not return to the Noila palace, you may not even see them in anything other than an official capacity. This is only to prove to me that you are truly and wholly dedicated to learning your new place; once I am sure of that, we can consider working on trust.”[/color] It was an impossible request for most mortals, asking them to leave those they depend on behind. It’d broken more than one mage in his household but it was a necessary step nonetheless. Varis sighed, releasing his hold on the boy’s chin, and instead running his hair gently through the boy’s hair, messing it into a more pleasant appearance. [color=f7976a] “This is a difficult request but a necessary one. You’ve come to understand what is at stake now; these are dangerous times in the Sinnenodel household. Divided loyalties only lead to mistakes and mistakes are what lead to death in the Culling.”[/color] Varis leaned back into the couch, not bothering to hide his exhaustion from the boy. It had been a long break and he'd barely found time to relax, let alone [i]sleep[/i]. [color=f7976a] “You have potential, boy. No one can question that but potential only means so much if you don’t put the work in. You’ll have until 6am to decide. Understand that I will be thorough; you’re phone will be replaced and destroyed and the same with your address book. Every Noila belonging will have to be sent back and replaced. I do not intend to do this halfway.”[/color] [sub][right]Interacting with: [@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210304/8f4b31e39b91fefa9a5dcbfd64d12b19.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf]“You’re already doing an amazing job, Lilie. Don’t doubt that.”[/color] Ryner reassured her. She glanced up at the falling snow. [color=bc8dbf]“However, I believe it may be time you return inside. I would hate it if you caught a cold from standing outside talking with me. Have a good evening, Lilie. Remember my doors are always open if you need anything.”[/color] Ryner gave her one last smile and then her attention turned to Victor. [color=bc8dbf]“Good evening, Count Astorio. I hope you’re prepared for this semester.”[/color] She called cheerfully. [color=bc8dbf]“Break a leg out there!”[/color] She laughed and beamed excitedly at Lilie. [color=bc8dbf]“I just learned that phrase over the break. I still don't really understand it but I like it all the same.”[/color] She admitted quietly to Lilie before she was on her way, a chuckle in her wake and a bounce in her step. [sub][right]Interacting with: [@Hero][@ReusableSword][/right][/sub]