[quote=@Fractured] It's not some easy thing to do. There's a lot to it. [/quote] Of course, there is. But you can't expect someone, even a career polotician, to be great at the job right out of the gate. There's so many layers of complexity between their job and the Vice President that it'd be almost criminal to compare the two and expect immediate excellence. The only reason that I have as much faith in you doing my 'job' is that I've seen you handle the paperwork and the press with a flair, always one step ahead of them. But, yet again, that is but one, small aspect of my position. I'm not on vacation every time I dissapear. Youd be able to locate me if so. I'm dealing with threats that can eliminate the entirety of the EDB singlehandedly with minimal effort on a daily basis.. I do it for you. I do it for our friends in the Council. I do it for the free peoples of the Existential Democratic Bureau. It's my duty. My question is, do you think that right now, this very instance, that you could handle a threat of that magnitude?