Barrel shrugged. "That works," he said. "He just needs to tolerate it a little longer." If Agatha asked, he'd just tell her what little truth he gleaned from the tapping code: that they were keeping Chad off-guard, and Lock's job was to keep Chad from noticing anything was off with the beer. He was just assisting. Barrel played lookout to make sure Lock didn't notice Agatha spiking his drink. He was too preoccupied with his girlfriend. Shock didn't notice, either, as Sobki decided to take advantage of her current good mood to politely chat with her. The crocodile-headed teen was polite to a fault, and intended to spend at least a little time with each of the trio to ensure his gratitude for the invitation. Chad came back a second time, and decided to crack open a new beer instead of attempting to drink from the tainted one again. Lock had by that time went to the snack table to get himself and Lillith some punch. As Chad was there, he picked up his own Bludlite can and took a drink from it. It was still awful, but that time...huh. It wasn't as bad as last time. Maybe he was getting used to it? Death, he hoped not. Lock got himself and Lillith some punch, then wandered back to his girlfriend. Barrel stuffed a rodent roll in his mouth to help keep back his laughter from the look he caught on Lock's face.