[color=ed1c24][center][h1]Henry Biafra[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999142914929545935/B10DF84B9C000A912A633EBABC9EA3547B8200EF/[/img][/center] Henry while speaking to the woman across from him, he was trying to impress her by mentioning that he saved his past girlfriend from a cult and a dark god. However that did not seem to impress her, and in fact, made her look at him like he was a crazy person. He soon heard the bell ringing indicating that he would need to talk to another woman. Nervously he checked how he looked through his pocket watch, he always had low self-esteem ever since the first time he died. Being undead did not help with his chances of getting into a relationship. The next woman that came to his table was a tall woman, who looked like she had not eaten in a long time. He studied her before she had gotten to the table, she looked like someone who listened to The Cure 24/hrs a day. “Hello, my name is Henry.” He said trying to sound friendly, even smiling in a way that made him look more creepy. She had introduced herself as Delores, she started talking about an incident of her trying to connect with her dead cat. This is something that caught his interest, leaning on his arm and asking her if she was able to contact the dead. She had communicated with some spirits, mostly family members, pets, or dead celebrities. He became more comfortable and relaxed talking to Delores, the two talking about their shared love of guns, the occult, and The Backstreet Boys.