[quote=@Arkitekt] [@vietmyke] so Mag would be 2nd Lt? I fell out after work yesterday so I didnt get a chance to work on anything but I will tonight. Definitely thinking about that plasma shotgun/grenade type thing too. Sill unsure about loadout. [/quote] If you need more ideas, here's a few I dug up from the melted bits of my brain before I have to go peddle drugs at the pharmacy: [list] [*] [b]Overcharger Blade - [/b]Are hand-to-hand MAS's ruining your day? Do you need to fry every last bit of electronic wiring in something? It's easy; Just run a giant taser field around the blade of a sword, and as you're getting a good cut into something, activate the sucker and watch the sparks fly! [*] [b]Automatic Grenade Launcher - [/b]Might not be the greatest at handling the tougher armored opponents, but at least grenades are plentiful and can be outfitted with a lot of different payloads; An HE grenade might not do shit to a MAS suit, but everyone will be kissing your ass and singing to Baby Jesus that you bought Smokes you can pepper around the battlefield. [*] [b]Tether Pistol - [/b]Here's a fun one: What happens if you combine an electromagnetically-propelled harpoon inside a MAS pistol frame, and wired the cable directly to the suit? Everybody loves a good game of tug-of-war, and if you can land a solid tether on an opponent, well shit, a mecha can't move if their legs are constantly tripping over fifteen tons of tensile strength! Oh, and you could use it to like, ford rivers and shit too, I guess. [/list]