[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/klHHPfB.png?1[/img][/center] [center][b]Christopher Arthur III[/b][/center] [center][b]Lost Haven, ME[/b][/center] The battle had been hard-fought. Although Chris had downed soldier after soldier as he held his ground, more Arlaaekan troops kept arriving to keep the armored hero busy. There was only so much a single soul could accomplish against a horde of alien invaders. What made matters worst was the energy boast that “Radiance” had given Chris had already began to wear off. He had only been keeping up with his Arlaaekan foes by himself because “Radiance” had sent his armor into overdrive. Without it, he would easily be overrun by the alien invaders. Suddenly, something impacted the pavement several feet away. Dust and debris showered the nearby combatants. While the AI in Chris’ suit managed to activate his shielding just in the nick of time, the Arlaaekan foes were tossed about, either slamming into the nearby buildings or into one another. In this momentary respite from battle, Chris peered over to see what had created the explosive landing: it was Terra Firma. Not long afterwards, Icon and Radiance arrived, too. [color=c0c0c0]"About time the cavalry arrives. Now let's show these aliens why we call ourselves the Guardians!"[/color] Chris was amused by Radiance’s apology for what the two of them were late. Ever since Chris had gathered together the first future members of the Guardians several months ago at Settler's Clearing over in Royal Park, he noticed that Radiance had her eyes on Icon. She was ever so subtle about it, but Chris nonetheless noticed for just a brief moment when she thought nobody was paying attention. Later, when Chris and Icon were divvying up which prospectives each should visit, Icon mentioned he could easily get in contact with Radiance. Up until now, all of these seemed like coincidences, but now the puzzle was coming together. If the world currently wasn’t being invaded by aliens, Chris would have found humor in the idea that Icon got cockblocked by a freaking meteor. [color=c0c0c0]“Outside of Lyger, this looks like the lineup we’re going to have to work with. Slipstream and Voyager’s comms have gone offline since I sent out my summons, but we’ll have to deal later, as we have more pressing matters at hand.”[/color] Chris had not realized how true what he had just said. For, as soon as he spoke up, a gigantic war machine rumbled down the street towards them. He could only describe it as an alien tank, three stories high. A single individual stood atop the metal monstrosity, while more Arlaaekan soldiers flanked it. If it wasn’t obvious by now, the Guardians now had a fight on their hands. Suddenly, Chris' armor began picking up a message on a different frequency, specifically an old S.T.R.I.K.E. communication line. Blacklight's disembodied voice came through the internal speakers inside of Chris' helmet. Because of the metallic behemoth rolling towards the Guardians, Chris didn't have much time to banter as he normally would. [color=c0c0c0]"The rest of the Guardians are just 12 blocks west north-west of Lost Haven University. There's a giant, alien death machine on the ground. You can't miss it,"[/color] Chris sent back on the same S.T.R.I.K.E. frequency. Once the message was sent, he turned to the rest of the Guardians. [color=c0c0c0]“Alright, who’s up first in the batting order?”[/color]