Character Sheet Template: [hider= Kato][b]Name: Kato[/b] [b]Age: 25 [/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Faction/Allegiance:???[/b] [b]Relic Description: Sacred Scroll[/b] [b]Appearance:[img] [/img][/b] [b]Flaws: Drinking, Women, Easily Offended,Believes he must prove himself worthy always.[/b] [b]Skills: Marial Arts,Calligraphy, Precise memory [/b] [b][i]Biography: Kato has in his possession a sacred scroll relic in which he is to deliver into the hands of who he doesn't know, the scroll has been guarded by the monastery which he is from, and now his elder masters have asked him to deliver it to the rightful owner, and that he would know who that is, when the time comes. He has been traveling for months now and has yet to find anyone worthy of the scroll, at times he wants to throw it away and return home, but deep down he knows that he must fulfill this journey no matter how long it takes.[/i][/b] [b]Personality/motivation: He is determined and driven by the faith of his religion and teachings of his elders before him.[/b] [b]Relations: ?[/b] [b]Final Point - Secrets: He is the one he is seeking [/b] [/hider]