"Takahashi-kun!" One of the girls in Sora's class came running towards the table where he and his friends were sitting. Haruto had a blush on his cheeks when he stood up and greeted the girl politely. Apparently he borrowed her notes, because he had 'troubles' with mathematics. He never had troubles with mathematics. Sora's lips formed a soft smile, with a tiny bit of mockery, as he licked from his matcha ice cream. When he noticed that his phone was vibrating, he took a second before looking at who it was, because he had a feeling and he really didn't want to talk to them. It was his sister. He was right. He softly sighed. of course he absolutely loved his older sister, but their relationship had become so damn complicated when they got older that he almost felt uncomfortable being around her at times. He hated the distance that had grown between them and that was still growing with each day, but he didn't know how to make it disappear, or even how to make it decrease a tiny bit. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]"New ice cream parlor. I'll reheat dinner."[/i][/color] It was best to keep his messages short, so that she could focus on whatever she was doing. He knew that she never had time to relax, so it was best to not distract her... right? Even after Sora put away his phone, he couldn't stop thinking about his sister. Was there something he could do? Something? Haruto sat down next to Sora with a huge smile on his face. [color=khaki]"Hina-chan was worried for me. She was thinking about me."[/color] Sora chuckled. [color=CornflowerBlue]"She asked if you were able to read her handwriting."[/color] Sora's chuckle turned into a very loud laugh. Haruto laughed along and soon after that, Sora was walking home together with Haruto and Asahi. Asahi was the first one to reach his home, so he waved at the other two and ran inside, where he was met by his angry mother. Sora and Haruto were laughing at how Asahi was getting yelled at for arriving late, but Sora stopped laughing when he noticed one of the shops they had walked by. Haruto noticed how Sora had suddenly stopped walking, followed his gaze and took Sora by his wrist when he realised where he was looking at. [color=khaki]"You want to learn how to play? Come on! We'll buy you a deck!"[/color] The two of them ran towards the shop. Inside the shop, Sora felt a bit shy. Those kind of shops really weren't his scene. [color=CornflowerBlue]"Maybe I can pick something up for Rui too..."[/color] He almost whispered, but of course the curious Haruto with the good ears had heard him. [color=khaki]"So it's not about me, it's about that sister of yours? I feel insulted."[/color] He joked, but Sora was too lost in thoughts to laugh about it. [color=CornflowerBlue]"Can you help me pick?"[/color] Haruto smiled, winked and helped him with choosing two decks before the two left for home.