Arn had just enough experience with noble women who have very little to do to know still harbor a smidge of concern for Eilis even if the two Venray men claimed she was fine. From his connection with her, the mage knew the poor girl would be detesting being the center of attention that only a rich and indulgent woman could provide. He gave the elderly gentleman a slight nod as he followed beside Tyrhallan. They traversed a hall filled with paintings of scenes and personages who could or could not be ancestors and memories that were central to the Venray House. His head almost suffered whiplash as he bowed acknowledgement to the staff that seemed to materialize from nowhere and recede in the same manner as if the house itself was magical and the servants were always on call. [color=9e0b0f]"I am certain all this must overwhelm you. I suppose it strange to shift surroundings so suddenly..." [/color] The Knight Captain was not kidding. Arn was used to the spartan surroundings of the barracks. Much more so the barracks that housed the Shootings Stars. Being mainly made up of lower birth conscripts the barracks had the barest of necessities to live. Indeed, the main sleeping area could probably have fit in the first room they entered. This house, a simple convenient location from what Tyrhalland had hinted at, was perhaps a dream castle for the majority of the lads. Indeed, maybe even the most imaginative would have a hard time conjuring up the things that filled the house. It was unsettling how the one called Hellspanwn was the utterly helpless as the man servant quite easily presented Arn with new sets of clothes. The outfits seemed to magically appear on his hands person and then a whirlwind later, another outfit would appear. Few ki enhanced knights could compare to the speed and efficiency at which the man navigated the vast dressing wardrobe which was purely Tyrhallan’s. Even more amazing was the accurate assessment that Dannesh gave regarding their condition and whereabouts. It occurred to the Battle mage that the man’s skill extended beyond opening doors and sorting out things to wear. A man such as Tyrhallan would no doubt surround himself with skilled people. The realization brought a new light to the Knight Captain. The man had managed to survive not only the battle field but also the covert and underhanded world of nobility which can be just as deadly. The master mage knew that living under the Venray house would test him in ways he could not have imagined. [color=9e0b0f]"What do you prefer, Capes, Mantles or Coats?" [/color] All the poor mage could manage was a lost look to answer the question. The mage never knew who had actually dressed him. Arn dejectedly stood there, little more than a doll being dressed by the two other men. His very existence had been reduced to that of a doll. When the pair was finally satisfied with their creation, the battle mage followed them back via astounding corridors to another parlor merely nodding his understanding of what the Knight Captain was saying. He graciously accepted the glass offered to him and looked down at the liquid. Arn had very rarely touched alcohol. Many of the younger mages frequented the pubs and ale houses but the Master Mage was often busy with study or training. Still looking down, he swirled the liquid finding it oddly appealing. Arn brought the cup up to his lips and took a smallish sip of the caramel-colored beverage. The reaction was a bit surprising. The taste was rich but not overpowering. A slight warmth was left by the path of the liquor as it made its was past his tongue down to his stomach. The mage smiled amiably as father and son went back and forth. He would take a sip of his drink every now and then. [color=9e0039]Uilles!"[/color] Something in the Master Mage’s mind made him look up. The man who entered the room was obviously not in the best shape of his life. However, an air about him made the mage give this new arrival his undivided attention. What Arn felt was not fear but rather the recognition of something deadly. It was not an evil sensation instead, it was more of a certainty. The same way one is awed at the deadly beauty of a sword or the destructive power of one of the big guns in the air ships. The tone that Tyrhallan took signaled the mage that this person was an old campaigner. The brave Knight Captain sounded almost apologetic as he recounted the tale. Arn himself could not help but a little ashamed that he had not been of much use in the encounter. This made the mage swallow hard and he followed the distaste of failure with a sip of brandy. When the elder Venray’s eyes settled on him, it was all Arn could do to not turn away. Expert eyes sized him up and the mage had no doubt that Uilles Venray was more than capable of utterly destroying him in battle. Even in his current state, the man held the air of skill that the mage could not help but respect. He inclined his head slightly towards the elder man in deference but his eyes never lost sight of the other as if transfixed. The arrival of the women folk captured the attention of all in the room. As the lady of the house fussed over the wounded ex knight Arn’s eyes were otherwise drawn towards Eilis. His eyes widened as if trying to take in all of her visage. The sounds of the family exchanging pleasantries all but background noise. In that moment, only Eilis existed. His body involuntarily took a few steps forward as eager eyes wanted to drink in more of the sight before him. A smile started to form on the mage’s face. His voice sounded far away and almost as if he spoke to the wind. [color=ec008c]"Young Miss Eilis is delightful, I am very happy you brought them here Tyrhallan, for I shall have difficulty parting with her again, but I dare say I am amazed that this old dress of mine still works its magic." [/color] [color=0054a6]“Yes, it is magical indeed” [/color] He said out loud before realizing it. A second or two passed then reality started to settle in. Arn cleared his throat and turning towards the lady of the house he bowed his gratitude. [color=0054a6] “My Lady and Lord Venray, allow me to express my gratitude at your most benevolent and magnanimous grace you have bestowed upon us.” [/color] The mage was scrambling hard to know what etiquette dictated in this sort of situations. For the remainder of the party, this was nothing more than a family reunion. Protective instinct made him take a few more steps closer to Eilis.