[Center][h1][color=f26522]Caleb Walker[/color][/h1][/center] Caleb felt some relief as it was clear that Val didn’t hold any ill will against him despite her growling. Honestly, Caleb had not really had someone to hang out with in some time, especially not when he was out and himself. It was only after he had arrived to BCC that he had felt comfortable enough to embrace his bisexual side and be open with it. That might have gotten his head kicked in when he was growing up, boxing or no boxing. With Val, though things were easy and the times were fun, upsetting her would not be a good idea. Hearing she could now manifest 4 glowing arms and lift cars… well he wasn’t really in a position to process all this insane shit right now, so he was gonna put that on the back-burner emotionally speaking. [color=f26522]“Sorry Val, it’s the only way it works so far. I’m working on it. And, I believe you and I don’t think you weren’t being clever, I think you believed in yourself and worked on instinct. A lotta people freeze up in that moment, you went for it. That’s important.”[/color] After Val revealed her abilities, he had calmed down somewhat. His guilt settled back into an unruly mass undulating in the pit of his stomach and his heart beat had calmed down. Elysia communicated about the messages she drew while sleeping. She seemed to be unravelling a little bit, and more than a little jittery, but this was a rare moment when Caleb couldn’t really hold that weakness against her. Something had freaked out all of them into revealing some truly insane stuff. The fact that it was true only made it more insane. Kal rotated the picture towards herself and pointed out the rat and the car, flirting strategy temporarily forgotten, Caleb at the picture himself and listened carefully. [color=f26522]“That asshole? Oh shit, you are probably right. It was clear he had something to do with the rat attack and after it happened it looked like he got real sick real fast. Asshole definitely aimed at my shoes though.”[/color] Caleb glanced up at Elysia, [color=f26522]“Trust me, something was wrong in that guy’s head, you shouldn’t try and meet him.”[/color] Looking at her though it seemed clear she wasn’t doing very well, he thought about giving her some water but he used all his cleaning off the vomit. He opened to say something comforting to her, but the words didn’t come. How could he know what to say? He didn’t even know what made her tick yet. He settled back into his seat instead. The distraction meant he didn’t catch Kalama deflecting to the topic of Kyle's abilities. Rowan tried to settle the situation, but honestly Caleb thought Kalama had made a good point. Most everyone there seemed to have some type of ability, Caleb distantly wondered if barista skills qualified in Kalama’s case, but it seemed that Kyle was going through something similar to what Ken had gone through after the rat attack. Curiously, he leaned across the table and lightly one of Kyle’s hands he had grasped around his water cup. At the touch, he could feel the pain in his mind’s eye suspended just beyond his eyes waiting to flood into him. He took his hand back quickly and the sensation faded at once without the use of his ability. [color=f26522]“Kyle is like Ken, he did something and now he is dealing with some consequences.”[/color] Glancing at the final red marks from his ability fading away, he corrected. [color=f26522]“He is like us, I mean... Answer her question, Kyle. What did you do? You talked and everyone freaked out at once!”[/color] He spoke roughly, but quietly also cautious of prying ears from other tables. [color=f26522]“Whatever this dude did, all this dream shit started back after our class together right? That one where the teach made us chant and tried to scare us? Probably has something to do with that so let’s bust down his door and get some answers! Or at least figure out where he got that chant from.”[/color]