[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qqFnQxGx/image.png[/img] [i]Location: Mutant Underground -> Casper & James' Room. Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie paused for a moment as she felt her phone going off, and looked down at the screen seeing that it was Veil calling and quickly answered it. She was expecting Veil's voice she wasnt expecting to hear Andy on the other end Andy asking for James and Max right away, she could hear gunshots on the other end going off. [color=87d0f2]"Okay i'm on it, just stay on the line."[/color] Callie said, her eyes going wide as she heard what sounded like an explosion going off along with what sounded like a cave in. "If you can hear me stay on the line." Callie said as she quickly turned to Waverly, and handed the phone to her. [color=87d0f2]"Keep talking to them, and if you can use your power and try and get the location, if you can't give it to Zari."[/color] Callie said, she didnt waste anytime at all as she quickly went towards. Callie paused for a moment looking over at Zari and Sunshine. [color=87d0f2]"The others are in trouble, I need you guys ready right now."[/color] Callie said as she headed up stairs and stopped for a moment staring at Max and Echo and it looked like they were screwing around with a leather bag with Jack's face on it. [color=87d0f2]"If you guys are done trying to burn Jack's face, I need you Max to use your witchy powers to make a portal or something I have Waverly working on the location, the others they are in trouble right now."[/color] Callie said as she bolted down towards James' and Casper's room and opened the door staring at James and Casper for a moment. [color=87d0f2]"James the others need you right away so hurry up and get down stairs expect some injuries to."[/color] Callie told them before heading back down stairs. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=3CB371]Kristina Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AMPZYcu.png[/img] [i]Location: Washington DC, Sewers Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina started to loose feeling in her limbs as she looked up at Sapphire letting her inspect the injury, she knew that this was really bad. She was feeling really cold and lightheaded to due to the blood loss, as Havok slowly started to lower her down onto the sewer floor she was to weak to move right now as well to. Kris gave a slight nod to Sapphire, she wasnt sure what she was going to do to try and save her life, other than feeling the intense cold all around her. Kristina slowly closed her eyes as the air around her started to freeze, and encasing her in a block of ice created by Sapphire, as she was put into cryosleep completely unaware of the fighting going on around her between the Underground and the SHIELD agents.