[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190906/8a749958ff29d7df1f3c9a10b0dd1758.png[/img][/center] Ben could hardly believe that time had flown so quickly; already he was gearing up for the new semester and what Noah had lovingly described as a 'game plan'. The young man was all too excited to offer his perspective on top of Aaron's and together they had a new failsafe in place. He could not possibly ask more of the Starag and resorted to a much safer strategy of texting Noah whenever he ran into any problems. In his eyes it was a win-win as he could work on coaxing Aaron on friendship and receive quicker help as Noah would reply much faster. Desperate times called for desperate measures and the break had supplied him with ample time between watching the news to tackle on the problem. The first trick was to give Lilie ample space. She was cordial but distant and he respected that. The second trick was to apply Aaron's compromise. Lilie's diary had mentioned on occasion that she was tired of her own cooking. The solution then came that Ben would cook. Had he known sooner he may have enrolled in that one class but he instead did the research and decided he could accomplish one dish on his own. Of course to be absolutely sure he had gone to the library and borrowed a cookbook. The recipe was not there, but something similar was and he figured he could just wing the rest of it. So long as the scent was tempting he knew he would be on the right track. His thoughts gave way to the wind as he crossed paths with the princess. It was an unexpected but pleasant surprise as he bowed his head to her respectfully. [color=C0C0C0]"Good evening, Your Highness,"[/color] He said.