[quote=@vietmyke] It sort of looks like a different take on a typical 'new guy' character, and I have yet to have had a test pilot in any of my iterations of this RP, so that'll be exciting. I have no issue with the character concept thus far, and I like the direction you took with it.[/quote] Glad to hear that this angle is fun, I wasn't completely sure it would fit, but now I really like the idea of her having a pretty different perspective to many of the other pilots/soldiers (coming more from a R&D environment). I think it will be pretty fun to write if I'm given a chance. :D [quote=@vietmyke] That being said, I am curious, when/where did she score the kills she currently holds? From her background, it seems she's spent her entire career thus far as a test pilot, and is getting her first taste of combat testing now. Did she get them while fleeing from the Garmr? If so that's a lot for a single pilot on their own. Just food for thought.[/quote] I'd originally imagined her background as having involved some combat, but thinking about it, I think it's a bit more fun if the combat mentioned in her background is her first real, bloody taste of combat. Building off of this train of thought, I've knocked her down to one kill, and I'll throw in some fluff in her background about the one baddie she shot down while escaping. [quote=@vietmyke] Regarding the mech- or what parts of it are completed, I like it as well. It kinda seems like its trying to combine the speed (and relative fragility) or a conventional aerospace fighter with the more maneuverable MAS. To be honest, the design philosophy seems very similar to Ingram's Sparrowhawk, but in the opposite direction in regards to speed and durability. All in all, excited to see how it all fits together. [/quote] Full disclosure, my starting point was just wanting to write someone going really fast. Jokes aside, I like the idea of the Peregrine being the opposite solution to the Sparrow. I love the idea that two different R&D teams came up with their own solution(s) to the limitations and complaints about the Sparrow. One team, created the Sparrowhawk, reasoning that some performance improvements would allow more armor and weapons. As your fancy sheet says, it provides the UEE with a very nimble/fast MAS that doesn't die from another MAS sneezing on it, and that can punch up in a big way. The resulting MAS might be slightly slower than the Sparrow but the difference isn't likely to matter all that much, especially when considering the gains. Another team felt that slowing down the Sparrow was the wrong solution and instead focused on making a new MAS that emphasizes even greater speed. The Peregrine sacrifices the ability to take a hit based on the assumption that an up-armored MAS isn't gonna survive that much more and really leaning into the pilot pulling off some cool moves. I imagine it's the sort of crazy, high-tech plane that most rookies hate to fly, and that really requires the pilot to be willing to redline it, which is to say it's pretty awesome, but also constantly trying to kill the pilot. [hr] Thanks for the feedback, was fun and helped me think about things a bit more! I'll try to flesh out the Peregrine's sheet within the next day or two.