[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Boardwalk [color=09849f]Skills: Photographic Memory : 16[/color] [hr][/center][/b] There appeared to be a bit of confusion or miscommunication as Raynor began to get irrate at Kwassi calling him Thor Jr. It wasn't until Agent Sparks had called him Ray that he remembered Agent Reed called him Raynor a bit before that. Clearly this wasn't a nickname that he wanted to have around, so Kwassi made a mental note to not call him that again. He wished he could continue his conversation with Bautista outside, speak about Wakanda, how she got there, and what she saw in private. As well as her knowledge of the President and why it was he pulled a gun on him. To an extent Raynor seemed to be the only one as on edge as he was about the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But even he was being asked to calm down. Kwassi gave Thor Jr a smile [color=09849f]"Thank you Raynor for clearing me."[/color] was all he could get out as the man tailed behind Bautista and the others heading onto the Quinjet. It seemed people were finally in a rush to get going to their mystery destination. As Kwassi entered the Quinjet once more he made sure to stay on the opposite side of the room from Jakobsen. There couldn't be any fighting or arguing if they never interacted, and that was fine with him. After all once everyone was cleared of their potential skrull status then they can finally begin to work together with trust that the others won't randomly shift and call for another fleet of killer aliens.