[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210302/3e34eb8da93341268107c451662f2b1b.png[/img] January 7th - 8:45pm[/center] A few dorms opened and vampires and mages both slipped out into the evening snow with various reactions. A fewsimmediately dove into the piling up snow, initiating snowball fights with whoever was unfortunate enough to be nearby. Others grumbled and ran, getting out of the way of these crazed lunatics on their way to the library or their new hall to wait somewhere warm. Soon enough, the night would be filled with the sound of laughter and movement, breaking the snow’s silence as the Academy began to wake. [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210304/8f4b31e39b91fefa9a5dcbfd64d12b19.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf]“Good evening, Benjamin. Welcome back to the Academy. I hope you enjoyed your break and are back, eager to learn.”[/color] Ryner greeted him, the same warm smile she’d given Lilie now on him. [color=bc8dbf]“Funnily enough, I just finished a conversation with Lilie. What are the odds? Vampire or not, I still don’t much care for the weather. I’d assumed you’d all still be comfortable in your blankets for another fifteen minutes or so.”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200220/ffa3af39087a97526859562dbebeccb2.png[/img][/center] Maddie slammed her hand on her alarm as it shrieked again. She peered at the time and sighed into her pillow as she burrowed deeper into her covers. Only forty five minutes until class. She groaned as she pushed herself up, the warmth of her cocoon flooding out as the blankets shifted, and she gasped, dropping hastily back into bed. Oh damn, it was cold! And it was only getting colder as the night went on. During the summer, it was pleasant but winter at night? Atrocious. Still, she forced herself out of bed and bolted into her closet, throwing on the comfiest, heaviest clothes she could find. Hat? Check. Sweater and coat? Check. Extra warm pants? Absolutely. Wool socks? A must. It took her longer than she cared for to bindle herself up, arms not even in the sleeves of her coat but rather tucked in tightly beneath it. She tugged up her hood and zipped it up all the way past her chin before she dared to trot out in search of some breakfast. She creaked open her door and slipped out in the common area. Amaris was already up and about, pleased as she could be. Maddie pouted childishly at the injustice. Here she was freezing her butt off and Amaris was lounging in the common area like it was nothing. Maybe she could get Amaris to turn her just so she wouldn’t have to be cold anymore. [color=FC8686]“Morning.”[/color] Maddie offered in a voice still raspy with sleep. She’d long given up on wishing people a good evening when she first saw them; it was just a greeting and frankly, she didn’t really want to figure out an entirely new time difference. Maddie yawned as she shuffled into the kitchen, opening the fridge with her hands still tucked under her coat and staring. Should she cook? They had some snack stuff, she could just take some of that. She shut the door, the additional cold not good for her current condition, and rather decided to focus on the more important thing: coffee.