[b]Miron Zen - State : Contained [/b] From one confinement to another, it really couldn't get any worse. It wasn't his idea to be put in a cell capable of withstanding even a theoretical punch he could contain. It was lined with forcefields, meaning he couldn't escape the cell without exhausting himself in the process, and warping through the cell would only put him in the arms of his captors AGAIN. It was useless for him to try and struggle against it just yet, he had to wait for the right time, when the power cycled and just before the secondary field grid for his cell came online, punch through one of the emitters, and hopefully disable it long enough for him to escape. He couldn't choose the wrong way though, once the emitter went out, or he left the cell without notifying personnel, it would be nothing more than them chasing him across the prison until he found a place he could exit, ship and all. It was a funny thing, they had not placed an inhibitor collar on him, believing the force fields would do just fine, considering his abilities were just laser beams and explosions. and in some capacity they were right, he couldn't fight a force field directly, because the exited particles would simply loose their excited state and loose cohesion. Miron had no idea that there were others here, he thought he was the only one. But in all fairness he had been taken directly to the place he needed to go without the interaction with anyone else. For what he was jailed for, he didn't know either. But it couldn't be good. He waited and waited, it felt like hours of waiting for each cycle, but he had to time it perfectly, identify the energy surge in the system so he could time the shot just right. He'd have multiple chances if no one caught on, but with people walking around so frequently it was only a matter of timing. Small influxes as usual, and then a large switch when it occurred, he'd have to target both primary and secondary systems, which would definitely make this harder. All through this he hadn't said a word, he didn't want to alert anyone to him making any movements, it might make them assume he was trying to escape, which in all fairness he was.