I might want to dump some more info in as it's purposely a bit sparse but: [hider= Puppet][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRm2z6y.png[/img] [h3]Full Name:[/h3] [REDACTED] [h3]Nicknames/Aliases: [/h3] Puppet. [h3]Age:[/h3] Uncertain, height would probably imply on the older end of the pupils, possibly 16, 17. [h3]Gender:[/h3] Female? Appears somewhat feminine in build, and has had no objection to being referred to as 'she'. [h3] Division:[/h3] Stealth [h3]Powers:[/h3] [b][i]Now you're Thinking with Portals[/i][/b] Puppet's power appears to be a very mild form of spacial manipulation. That is, she appears to be capable of creating small gaps in reality and and jumping into them, through a sort of 'void' between worlds, and leave through another gap in space she is able to make in the same general area. This is all a very quick process, allowing Puppet to 'jump' around at some considerable pace. Motion is conserved between entering and leaving the portals, something Puppet seems to have a good handle on, being able to spring off heights and launch herself out of the exit at speed. This ability makes her extremely difficult to catch or pin down. [h3] Description: [/h3] Puppet is definitely a...distinct student. Though anyone asked would probably struggle to tell you anything about how she actually looks. Puppet is rarely seen without her characteristic clothing, a black jacket, hood, gloves, pants and boots. She's most definitely not seen without her mask, a metal construction with lit up sections of the eyes and mouth that portray button-like eyes and a sharp-tooth grin. Puppet might detach a bottom section to eat and drink, but will never be without it. Even Puppet's voice is unclear, if she is indeed physically capable of talking. All of Puppet's communications are done via text-to-speech on her phone. A few things are at least fairly clear. She's around 5'7, lightly built and very sure on her feet, carrying herself with an impressive amount of grace for what has to be a fairly disorienting activity. [h3]Personality: [/h3] Puppet's demeanour is difficult to judge. Between the lack of visible facial expression or vocal tone makes it quite hard to figure out what she's thinking. She is something of an over-achiever, aiming to show off her abilities at any opportunity. If the things her electronic voice pipes up with are anything to go by, she has something of an attitude as well. [h3] Crush:[/h3] - [h3] Skills: [/h3] -[i]Manoeuvrability [/i] Puppet's combination of a transportation ability and trained athleticism means she is extremely hard to catch. And, assuming you can catch her, about as hard to keep hold of. -[i]Intelligence [/i] While her career path appears to be geared wholly in the direction of hands-on work, Puppet appears to be highly intelligent in her won right and has an impressive head for numbers, technology and languages. [h3]Weaknesses: [/h3] -[i]Fragility[/i] Puppet is fast, but no more durable than the average person. She has to dress in light gear in order to move fast, and is likeely to take hits hard. -[i]The Mask [/i] Puppet will not tolerate her mask being removed. She will endure physical damage before she lets herself be unmasked. [h3] Brief History:[/h3] The rather enigmatic individual known only as Puppet has attracted a few rumours in the villain community after she was sent to the school on tuition paid by a fairly infamous syndicate, despite never having been heard of before. The young would-be villain appeared to have been constructed out of nowhere, and possess abilities that would make for an extremely lucrative thief for their operations. They paid her tuition, and gifted some sponsorship funding to the school on the basis that they waived a few usual requirements for personal details. Name, age, D.O.B. The school didn't have any serious moral qualms about this, and she was enrolled under her alter ego, Puppet. [img]https://i.imgur.com/pUIVwjs.gif[/img] [/center][/hider]