Silence passed, it was a tense silence and slowly the lich turned and his demeanor emanated a silent rage. [color=gray]"I..."[/color] the skeletons marched towards the doors and stood guard effectively blocking escape [color=gray]"Will..."[/color] his staff appeared and the vomit was magically erased, however his gaze was set on the gnome and that petulant boy who had the audacity to speak [color=gray]"Teach you both a lesson that you'll soon never forget, you insolent churls will never speak as though your better than I am because you aren't!"[/color] he pointed his staff at the gnome. [color=gray]"Maybe you should apologize,"[/color] his eyes were glowing red with anger and the point of his staff hummed louder and louder as a ball of black energy formed at it's tip [color=gray]"I hate you less than the imp but I'll kill you if you do anything like that to me again...APOLOGIZE NOW!"[/color] he shouted getting more angry.