[center][color=lightblue][h1][b]Tenshi Hokori[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://em.wattpad.com/6a4f246f6352b75637aea78d54a2ee3de5a81773/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f47316b4d6f794d396e4b374378413d3d2d3536322e3135656362356231666332663464353233353634333834333730382e6a7067[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent] With all the intention of going with the group to the island by the water, Tenshi hadnt begun to think of how they would get their originally, he had assumed someone else would deal with it. Then they did, and Tenshi's eyes went wide as he stared at the gigantic monster that was this summons his first words. [color=lightblue]"It's...a slug..."[/color], he trails off as he started at the giant slimy slug his thoughts were ran rampant with the same thought over and over again, Why did it have to be slugs? He stared as he tried to get the nerve to climb up onto the giant Katsuyu. Almost on instinct he looked into a bag to see if he had any salt, which he did not. The slug nearly left without Tenshi but he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and jumped onto the slug as it started to leave. For the start of the trip over he stood there silently never moved an inch from where he stood. He looked that he could concentrate hard on the mission but he was just stood there just zoned out trying to think of being anywhere else but on a giant slug. When Botan spoke he snapped him out he could make a mist to hide them, then the rock came out of nowhere to. The sand kid stopped the rock but the chaos continued quickly as the kid was forced into the water. This was not good, Tenshi didnt know if the kid could swim or not, but it seemed the Uchiha jounin lady was quick to act. With a group of shadow clones, Tenshi took of the seriousness of the situation and shifted quickly. He turns to Botan, [color=lightblue]"Botan, create that mist! They already see us coming, it would be better if they had a harder time finding their target. Although not sure if a mist would help since this this thing isnt that hard to miss mist or no mist. Prepare some sort of defensive measures, think of a tactic and use it."[/color] He spoke quickly and tried to get straight to his point, despite the seriousness of the situation Tenshi got himself into a position and sat down onto the slugs head and formed a single hand sign he then said, [color=lightblue]"Going to try and build up as much chakra as I can, mine might not be as complete as Moth....Lady Raikage's but if I can get enough time to focus my chakra hopefully my armor will be enough to help."[/color] Tenshi did his best to try and come up with a way he could help, but he didnt have any long range techniques that could help. He did have one trump card he could use but his inexperience and the incomplete version of his strongest technique the Lightning chakra armor technique. This was why he needed this time to build up his chakra to give his jutsu the best chance of working. Normally he could only use a partial usage of the lightning armor, it is a horrible comparison to his mothers as hers could at least cover the entire body every time she used it Tenshi's barely covers where he focuses his chakra. His hope was if he could focus and build up the proper amount of chakra that he could pull off the jutsu better than he normally could. His body started to amass his chakra quickly he needed to build up everything that he could, the process he didnt think would take long, but depending how much time he could get before real combat with the enemy shinobi every second could be another bit that could aid them to victory.[/indent]