[center][h1][color=00a651]Hobgoblin Zats[/color][/h1][/center] Zats was surprised that Wan hadn't eaten anything yet, even if he could act jerkish given how he talked about Arch's bracelet the hobgoblins should have gotten enough food for everyone. Honestly he doubted Wan would find something he could use to imitate the bracelet but they could search for useful stuff while gathering berries, as long as they didn't waste too much time. [color=00a651]"Grandpa is right, it isn't much fun being out at night. Anyway if we do go look for berries … and tech we should also keep an eye out for sticks and stones we can use to make weapons for tomorrow with."[/color] Zats was ready to go but waited to see if the others were willing to come with, after all while he and Arch could handle themselves pretty well the other Hobgoblin didn't really have stake in this and the younger Goblin might decide it was too risky. [hider=Summary]Zats suggested that while gathering berries they also look for material for weapons for tomorrow..[/hider] [@Darked13] [@Jangel13] [@Eviledd1984] [hider=EXp, skill and inventory] EXP: Inventory: [list] [*] Everoak Shield [*] Rabbit skin loincloth [*] Rabbit horn [/list] Acquired Skills: [list] [*][b]Crush[/b] [*][b]Knowledge of the Three[/b] [*][b]Pole arm combat beginner[/b] [*][b]Creaturologist[/b] [*] [b]Military Strategy [u]Centurian position[/u][/b] [*] [b]Gravekeepers spirit [/b] [*][b]Instant armor[/b] [*] [b]Earth call (lesser)[/b] [/list] Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]