Cat was very careful when she had picked up the section of the railing she had tied the rope to and she had held the rope to provide additional stability and sturdiness to the arrangement by being the first one to take the blunt of the pull that Donny's falling body made. She gripped the rope tightly as she felt it try to burn her hands iwth the friction, but she managed to hold in without scraping her palms at the rope. What she hadn't quite expected was the head crab. Well she had expected somethign to show up, just not a head crab. Being one of the lesser mutant creatures that ahd appeared, she had to wonder what it originated from. She was told that before the end, tehre were these small flea bugs that could still sometimes be foudn in the underground, but honestly because of the general temperatures even underground, most bugs were gone unless they were specifically underground ones or ones that adapted. For all she kenw this thing might be one of those, it didn't matter really though. As it jumped at her, aiming at her head, screeching, she just pulled a very trained move and in a moment's notice her combat knife was in her hand and the knife on the crab's trajectory stabbing it through the grotesque mouth where it was the softest. Luckily there was a blizzard going on and the screetching wasn't going to be heard far. With that crab out of the way she swung her knife to the side, tossing the stabbed thing over the railing and to fall from on high, she returned to helping Danny get up, but this time kept her attention ebtter to the surroundings in case more showed up. [color=6ecff6] "Just a head crab!"[/color] She replied to him.[color=6ecff6]" It's taken care of, but don't know how many more are around hte place, so let's hurry up. They aren't too dangerous as long as you avoid having your head eaten."[/color] Cat called as she put her effort into helping him climb faster. They had to get to the other side, out of the storm and then head downwards, preferably in relative safety of the undergrounds where thigns couldn't just jump at them from every direction.