[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pG8LVDV.png[/img] [sub][@Sho Minazuki][/sub][/center] Otis cracked his neck and rubbed his eyes as he leaned back, feeling the cramps in his hands. It had been a productive session of note-taking for sure, and the Tsuchimikado’s Talisman of Enervation was especially interesting. If it could disrupt the flow of magic from within, then could it not also be designed to absorb instead? And if it could absorb energy, Otis could say that he found a new avenue to take his own bulletcraft. On the side of researching the spirit world, however, things were definitely murkier. Nothing that the Strigidae uncovered seemed to deal directly with the detection of that other reality. Rather, they generated fields that moved one to the spiritual realm…but considering how Motsuhime had spoken about the ‘personal’ realms that sufficiently powerful demons could make, that may not work out too well either. Otis furrowed his brow over the subject for a bit longer, before standing straight up. If that was how it was gonna be, that was how it was gonna be. Jamming his notes into his pouches, Otis turned to leave, only briefly pausing to send his new LINE buddy a message back. [color=f7941d]“Good animal. This is my gun. It doesn’t have a name.”[/color] With that, he was off, heading for the site of the crime: the convention center. A fair amount of days had passed since the disappearance of half the class, and any physical evidence would have been disturbed and destroyed by the ebb and flow of mortal traffic anyhow. What he sought at the convention center, however, was an opportunity to test just how ‘connected’ individual pieces of the spirit realm was. There had been mentions of certain points in the world where the boundary between the twinned realms was thinner than normal, and considering how the kidnapping of multiple students didn’t raise any eyebrows from the supernaturally-talented individuals within the convention center, there must be a similar tear in that area, one subtle enough to slip beneath their detection. Spirited away indeed. The Strigidae looked towards the convention center, closed as it was now to civilians, and narrowed his eyes. Looked like he was going to have to do some homework first. With that, Otis began to circle around the building, opening both his magical and physical sense to detect fluctuations in space and the presence of security cameras. First, he would map out the area in his mind. If there was a convenient ‘gap’ that was accessible even from the outside of the center, then he would happily use one his talismans for that. If not? Metal Gear Solid was a game that didn’t only test one’s reflexes, but also their tactical acumen and ability to memorize patterns. All three would suit him very well, in this upcoming infiltration mission.