[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Pub Room Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Matthew sat crisscross on the floor looking down at his hand, then back up towards Colby, then back to his hand as he let out a disgruntled sigh and grabbed three Ace's from within them, placing them on the floor and sliding it towards Colby. He glanced behind him to see if there was a mirror or reflective item and saw nothing to his chagrin. [color=99CC00]"Lucky guess. [i]Alright[/i] well its still your turn."[/color] There was a hint of agitation in his voice, though it was mostly playful as his piles or books of cards were far less in number than Cobly's. But before the game could come to an end there began to appear a tapping at their window. Maddie slowly lowering his cards face down as he got up from the floor to get a better look. Outside there was a murder of crows swarming the air, as he took a step closer to investigate what had them all in a tizzy, one of the crows slammed into the window frightening him as he jumped back clutching non-existent pearls. He leaned forwards once more only to be met with a second bird colliding into the window until finally a fourth broke through and began an onslaught of pecking and flapping about. Instantly they flocked towards Colby clawing and pecking at him and as Matthew neared to help the began to tug at his hair and attack. He heard their bedroom door open but he could hardly see who it was as the birds surrounded him forcing him to keeep his head down so they couldn't get to his eyes. Matthew made his way closer to Colby, reaching out and snagging one of the birds that was attacking him and then began to frantically wave it around trying to bat the other crows away. He missed every mark, not really aiming or using strategy so much as getting lost within the confusion of the scenario. As he held the bird he considered dropping a ball of fire on them, but knew it would do more harm then good. Between Carroll and Jack, the rando that joined them, and Colby, there was too much to risk if the room had caught ablaze. Maddie decided that it was an idea for a mad-man, and given his father was the Hatter it would make sense to use it. However there was a more improbable and nonsensical answer to this chaos and it wasn't a fire, but to fight birds with birds. So Matthew choked his grip onto the bird he was holding, making sure it was beak out, and then jabbed forward as he watched a crow fly towards Colby. There was resistance, then a cushioning feeling as he looked and saw his makeshift dagger had found purchase onto the bird. [color=99cc00]"Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry"[/color] he began to cry out as tears formed near his eyes. He had never harmed an animal before and this was breaking his heart causing a very sobering situation.