[h1][color=purple]Kalama Guynn[/color] & [color=cadetblue]Rowan Childe[/color][/h1] Kalama's eyes weren't the only wide ones when Kyle finished speaking, but she was the first to speak. [color=purple]"That's so cool,"[/color] she murmured, imagining all the possibilities of what one could do with that kind of power. If she could do that, could she make Daria fall back in love with her? Make her dad want to get a second divorce? Could she always have sympathy from professors for any late grades or extra credit? If Kyle wanted, he could be living life on easy mode - fuck lighting fires, she suddenly wanted answers so that she could find out how to get that kind of power for herself. [color=cadetblue]"So [b]not[/b] cool,"[/color] Rowan said sharply, casting a withering glance first to his roommate, then to Kyle. [color=cadetblue]"I don't appreciate being made to feel upset for no reason. That's an enormous invasion of privacy, bro. I don't want you doing that shit to me again."[/color] His tone was a little calmer with that statement, but his posture was tense, the tendons in his wrists standing out as his fingers pressed hard against the table, struggling not to form fists. Emotions were still a tricky point for him, and it was very concerning to suddenly realize that there was a force that could change his mood faster and more reliably than all the breathing exercises, meditation, and drugs in the world. A little subdued by his reproach, Kal shifted gears a little as she looked back at the group, kind of liking but kind of intimidated by the whole breaking and entering thing. [color=purple]"I, uh, I think the whole asking thing is a better plan, personally. Like, there's one of two possibilities. Number one, the professor had no clue that chant would actually work - in which case we probably shouldn't be telling random people that we're witches now or whatever. Number two, the professor knew it would work because he knows that magic is real, in which case he's probably got some tricks of his own up his sleeve. God knows if he's on our side or not. Personally I think we should play our cards close to our chest and not go telling people who [i]aren't[/i] magic that we [i]are[/i]."[/color] Of course, she hadn't actually shared her magic with the group yet, but she was just going to see how long she could get away with that before somebody - namely Caleb - would actually notice. For now, at least, it was working. It felt a little dirty to lie to these people, even if only by omission, but she wasn't ready to process what she had done yet so revealing it to everyone else seemed impossible. Valeria found her powers by saving someone, but Kal found hers by destroying a car and quite nearly a life. Odds are they wouldn't be too accepting once they found out she was everything but a murderer.