[b]Everyone[/b] Chaos reigns The ground betrays you. The dry, dusty soil cracks and great gouges lance through it. At the village, old, decrepit wood, already afflicted with dry rot and termites cannot hold itself together. Roofs without support cave on themselves in bursts of dust and thatch. The trees tremble. Horses scream and their hooves pound on dirt and stone above the thundering din. At the Fox and Stag, the patrons scramble aside as one of the walls buckles outwards and the whole building lists dangerously. The proprietor shouts a curse and shakes her fist at the heavens in defiance. Further back, a whole house gives way at once, its walls giving up the ghost in unison, and the dust is so great that it cannot be seen who may be crawling from the wreckage. Along the road, the keep trembles and at the edge of one of its rounded towers a half moon of stone crenellations crumbles and falls with a low scraping rumble that echoes all the way back to your ears. Some of the knights scatter outwards from the keep entrance like ants from a crushed hill. Pellinor, alone among the assembly, maintains full control of her mount. Her shout rings above the chaos. "Knights, to me!" and though their mounts are half mad and whinnying, a few obey her and form a powerful formation arrayed in a V behind two deep behind her. Taking the point, she begins a charge with her four knights towards Robena and Sandsfern. [b]Tristan[/b] Battle is joined! Robena rides past you towards King Pellinor! Her horse, obviously trained to carry her even through this storm is unperturbed and its snout is steady and forwards. Behind her and to the side rides the lady Sandsfern on a white horse. Hers make no semblance of calm, but she rides astride the crazed beast with an expression on her face of utter bliss, as though nothing in all the world could offer her greater pleasure than this moment. She wears no helmet and her fiery hair blazes behind her as she hefts her own lance. Pellinore's knights, for their part, are rapidly organizing. You see them form their V and begin their own charge. This is not good, a direct attack like this is liable to harm all involved. What do you do? [b]Robena[/b] You are one with the thunder and lightning. In a world where all around you falls to ruin, your lance is steady, your armor strong, your horse sure. Your lady rides behind you, an emblem of fire streaming from her head and pure unabashed joy writ upon her face. However, your foe is fell indeed. The world shattered around her and she stood strong, far stronger than the Azure Knight you faced before. Somehow, in rapid speed knights arrayed with her for the charge, though they quail as she does not. Her impatience even for gathering such a small group at this is thinly veiled. Once she turns her gaze to you, however, the sneer falls from her face and her gaze is the cold and sturdy stone heart that will yield to none. [hider=King Pellinore] [b]Enchanted[/b]: Pellinore denies the right of any being to harm her save the questing beast until such time as the magic around her fate is completed or disrupted. She can be unhorsed or thrown, but never injured. This applies only to her personally, she will not protect knights she leads. [b]Thundering Blows[/b]: Pellinore is incredibly powerful and her blows reel her opponents. She denies the right of anyone to spend more than 2 points in single combat against her. [b]Hidden[/b]: there is, as yet, one aspect of her nature that she previously denied Tristan's right to reveal, though it does not affect her immediate combat prowess. [/hider] Roll to Leap into Action and tell us of your charge! [b]Constance[/b] For you, the portents are laid bare. The king is in pain of a great wound, or perhaps merely of the failings of age. He thrashes and so the lands thrashes. You could soothe it, soothe him if given the time, but that is not your place. Yours is to run as fast as your legs can carry you. So you run. Though Cath Palug is a warm anchor in your arms, you run. Though you heart thunders in your chest and pounds out through your ears, you run. Though the earth splits and shakes, still you run. It is not enough and fate is not kind to you this day. You stumble as you near the entrance to Southaven, the weariness in your arms too much, and Cath mews with pity. As you stumble and fail to slip into the town, the panicked riders from the keep not gathered to King Pellinore exit the gate and find you gathering yourself, your hair askew, your dress torn and dirty, your breathing heavy and fast. In this moment, they see before them a prize and, safe outside the town walls, they encircle you. It is only a few knights, just five. And one of them at least looks exceptionally hesitant to be here and not riding into town. Nevertheless, they close and one of the knights, a dark-bearded man beneath his blue and gold tabard, reaches as to scoop you onto his horse. "My lady" he says in what you imagine to be feigned politeness. "It's not safe here, you'll have to come with us." Through the town gate, you see knights charging. Some grand general, and the great bearskin that is your Robena, and behind that a blazing flame that must be your dragon as well. What do you do?