The female rogue observed the Asylum in front of her with a baleful glare. She was furious at having her prey escape but hesitant at engaging an Asylum. In the rogue world they were regarded as monsters, demons even. They wrought destruction and abducted children and carnage often followed in their wake. Within the rogue world, Asylums were boogeymen. "I don't want no trouble missed, just doin me job. Toughening up these little shits!" The female snarled as she raised her arms to display her disengagement. The boy was silently weeping while clutching his scorched face. "Ya see?" The rogue pointed at the boy, a smirk on her face. "He's still alive, I don nothin wrong!" She scoffed at the Bella before slowly moving towards the female student who hadn't yet surrendered. "Now if'ya don' mind, I still got a job t'do," the rogue snickered as her palm began to glow a dark crimson, heat distorting the air around her hand. "It's ya'turn now princess!" The rogue hovered over the female student, whose face only displayed horror, so terrified that words escaped her. "As long as she don die, you can't interfere eh?" The rogue snickered while staring directly at the Asylum. "This be mo'fun that I thought!" Before the rogue could burn the female student screams began to echo across the jungle, violent death throes of children along with something howling, something gutteral and primal. "What te'fuck is-" the Rogue's body had hit the ground before she could finish the sentence and the prisoner was standing behind her, his veiled gaze set upon Bella and Elsa. "That deadzone was a prison," he spoke to the two Asylums in a cold and detached tone. "I don't have the details on the ones that are wreaking havoc on the main Island, but Chronos have taken center stage and evacuation has begun. What I know is that a Chimera has made its way into this jungle." He continued while switching gaze to various points, as of trying to track someone. "You are dealing with old forbidden alchemy. You need to take it down and evacuate. A Chimera isn't some monster, it's a - " "What have you done Angel!" Tabion screamed in front of the prisoner, interrupting him. "We don't have the time for this you foolish little man!" Angel responded, not even bothering to look at the Chrono, his attention still focused on the Asylums. "You can't destroy the Chimera unless you destroy the -" before Angel could explain, the Chrono had suddenly collided into the prisoner with such force that both of them went hurling and crashing through the forest. In the distance, sirens could be heard along with explosion but most of it was drowned by the screams that echoed from the jungle along with that gutteral howling.