[quote=@Arkitekt] I've been severely under the weather. Worked late last night staining floors and the fumes got to me pretty bad. I was going to try and post tonight but I will wait till tomorrow. Very sorry for the inconvenience. [/quote] Absolutely no worries. Replies are at an excellent speed at this time. I expect it to slow down any day now, so that we can settle into a good flow. [color=Gray]▅▅▅▅▅[/color] [color=DarkGray]▅▅▅▅▅[/color] [color=Silver]▅▅▅▅▅[/color] [sub]G M - t h i n g s[/sub] [@Zoey Boey][@SilverPaw] I made a roll for you, but it's a story roll rather than any specific action. I'll detail everything in my next post. [@Prosaic] I made a Sixth Sense roll concerning the vagrant. There is definitely something there, something important. This homeless man isn't just a homeless man. Keandre can feel it, but perhaps not form this feeling with words in the mind. [@dreamingflowers] I skipped the Stanton death revelation, seeing as most additional complications have passed. Mia does feel the presence of the mirror, even if not looking at it directly, but the Keandre situation distracts her. The vagrant seems more 'off' than usual for strangers and such according to Mia. There is a sense that the vagrant isn't [i]just[/i] human. There is something more, but Mia feels it to be sinister. [@MST3K 4ever]The partner interactions were good, so no rolls needed there. However, a keen eye and experience allows Russell to see that the vagrant is carrying. He has seen every possible ways to conceal firearms, and this guy is no different. The vagrant has some kind of pistol tucked in his trousers, although concealed by layers of clothing on top.