Steppe Archer would cross her arms and nod at the Lizard Fighter's idea of training in things they weren't very good at. It made sense, though, honestly she wasn't sure what she'd want to improve on. Maybe getting better in close range was an option, but she wouldn't describe herself as "weak" in that department. The moment that the druid girl started balancing on one foot, the archer couldn't help but snicker, mostly since she was wobbling like a newborn deer. [color=CC6633][b]"I don't know if that kind of training is gonna do it for balance. But if you wanna work on what we're weak at, we could all start off with simple physical training. I imagine Big Red doesn't need much of that himself, but it might help us think."[/b][/color] The archer herself wasn't really sure what weaknesses she should learn to cover. Maybe she could try and work on shooting while moving around, but that was...kind of hard. Like, extremely. On horseback she could rely on the horse going and maneuvering mostly on its own, but it'd be easy for someone running around and shooting arrows to trip and stumble and probably poke an eye out. [color=CC6633][b]"Or, we could just spar with some sticks. That always works too."[/b][/color]