I think they would find that exceptionally tempting! roll it up, you'll have average position strong effect if you succeed (and you can always push it during downtime if it goes wrong) [quote=POOHEAD189] Phardax informs the minotaur that he has different plans that will yield the same results, and he does INVOKE. Sacrificing a Goblin imp, he calls forth a lvl 3 brute devil to bar the Minotaur's path. [/quote] The summoning is successful, and Krieg wrestles with the brute devil until he is pushed back. He paws at the ground as if he is about to charge and refuse to recognise his defeat, then points at Phardax as he shoots hot air out of his nostrils. Krieg declares the Dungeon Lords of this Dungeon weak and fearful of true bloodshed. He relinquishes his place as Dungeon Lord to start his own faction... Krieg leaves the Dungeon as the rumours of his departure are spread by the imps. [@POOHEAD189] I'd also like to know what action you're taking during your downtime?