[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [hider=Stats] 20/13|Male/Male|Reinforcement, Beast Mystic, Melee|Duplication, Tentacles|Deity Enhanced Sustenance, Awareness, Masculinity, Fated, Sorcery, Gifted, Absolute Direction Paragon, Blessing, Clergy, Mana Fount, Gifted Item Arrogance, Unknown, Loud, Big Brother [/hider] [/center] [color=fff200]“Hey, Alex…”[/color] Lily suddenly spoke up. [color=fff200]”After we have saved these people...Let’s just chill, ok? Just me and you, and maybe some anim-I mean, something you’d want to watch?”[/color] What Alexander [i]wanted[/i] to do after this was find Mariette and talk to her, but he didn't have it in him to say no to Lily, especially with her like this. Besides, he couldn't deny that taking some time to just chill sounded really good after the mess that today had been "[color=aba000]That...that actually sounds kind of nice.[/color]" He let himself relax just a little while Lily called out to Dina, with only Mariette's echoing voice as any kind of response '[color=aba000][i]It almost feels like she's mocking us[/i][/color]' Alexander grimly noted. But this came to an end when the two of them came across a strange metal crate, and the magical girl who came out of it [color=fff200]”Hey, what’s going on here? Where’s Dina?” [/color] Lily, unsurprisingly, wasn't suspicions at all. To Alexander however, this whole thing screamed 'trap'. So he stayed silent, while getting ready to throw up a barrier between them and her if the strange girl became hostile '[color=aba000][i]But seriously, what's with the box?[/i][/color]'