Alright, not my best work, especially with the bio I'm pretty sure, but it's just about 3am now, and I've been struggling to stay awake so I could finish and post this. [hider=Michael] [center][img][/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Michael Evans [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Wayland G4NT-8614-U13 U13 [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Division:[/b] Strength [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Weapon Creation/Control[/u] Whenever Michael has the chance to touch a weapon, he comprehends it's every detail, from it's physical condition to it's very history. This collected information of the weapon manifests itself within a mental 'vault' in his mind, essentially storing the weapon inside it. Once a weapon has been stored in this vault, he can create an all but perfect copy of the weapon. He can then telekinetically control these weapons, as long as they either remain within a distance of forty meters within his vision, or three meters while outside his vision. He can create a total of eight weapons at a time. Further training [i]may[/i] allow him to raise this number, but currently, any attempt to create more than eight would likely have a number of potentially devastating side effects. The number of moving parts within the weapon also has an impact on how many he can create. For example, complicated weapons like firearms could only be created once or twice at a time with his current level. [u]Altered Physiology[/u] In order to function more efficiently as an operative of the Foundation, Michael was gifted with an unconventional anatomy compared to regular humans. While this body is [i]somewhat[/i] stronger than an average human, it's real power is in it's durability and pain tolerance, allowing him to withstand what might otherwise be debilitating injuries for a normal person comparatively well. [b]Description:[/b] Michael is a fairly average height for his age, standing around 5'6". He has mid-length blonde hair, teal eyes, and tends to wear glasses in all but the most relaxed situations. Despite his demeanour, Michael has a surprisingly athletic build, even verging on muscular, but this is rarely seen as he prefers to wear large, baggy clothes like hoodies when possible. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being enrolled in a school of villainy, Michael is actually quite soft-hearted and shy the majority of the time. His confidence tends to crumble while dealing with people who could be considered especially intense, and he is extremely poor at handling conflict. On the other side of the spectrum though, he adores it when people praise him, and he loves helping or otherwise impressing people. In contrast with this, his demeanor while in combat is fairly different. While still clearly nervous, he generally has a quiet confidence in his abilities, and is able to focus on his objectives fairly well without his fear getting the better of him, although he still prefers not to hurt people if he can avoid it. However, there is another aspect to his personality many people tend to notice, even if only subconsciously. No matter how normal Michael may [i]think[/i] he's acting, there is always sense of hollowness to him, as if he doesn't actually fully believe in, or possibly even [i]understand[/i] the way he's acting. Depending on the situation, this may be more or less noticable. And finally, if certain conditions are met, he may enter a state of what could only be considered pure, instinctual rage. In this state, he will ignore anything that doesn't either pose a threat to him or give him an advantage in achieving his objective. He normally isn't proud of this aspect of his personality, but he accepts that it is a necessary evil in order to help him accomplish the goals of the Foundation. [b]Crush:[/b] N/A for now. He barely even understands the [i]concept[/i] of romance. [b]Skills:[/b] - Skilled in various forms of martial arts, particularly those involving weaponry. - In addition to his melee training, Michael is quite well trained in firearm usage, though not to the same degree. - Michael can be unexpectedly crafty, even [i]devious,[/i] when coming up with plans. - Talented chef. - Extremely talented at drawing weapons. Abysmal at drawing anything else. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Michael's powers tend to come with a variety of nasty side effects if handled poorly. For example, attempting to push himself to create more than eight weapons at a time can lead to devastating physical afflictions, ranging from normal things like widespread internal hemorraghing to slightly more unusual ones like [i]metallification[/i] of the body. Even without trying to surpass his creation limit, overuse of his powers can cause significant mental issues, including but not limited to stress, paranoia, and eventually full on psychotic episodes, which become more and more frequent as he pushes his powers further. In addition to these points, manipulating the mysterious substance that forms his weapons takes a lot of energy, and unless he consumes a significantly larger than average amount of food, it is entirely possible for him to accidentally starve to death with repeated summonings, or collapse due to sheer exhaustion. Finally, even [i]with[/i] his altered physiology, Michael's short=sightedness has been deemed as all but impossible to fix, meaning he is still forced to wear his glasses. While he has ways to keep them from falling off during combat, it is entirely possible to break them with a solid hit to his face. Brief History: Little is known about Michael for the most part, simply that he is an operative of the elusive Foundation, where he has remained until just recently. For him, the mission they'd assigned to him was of the utmost importance, and while being enrolled in a school for aspiring villains had been something of a surprise, he knew he should at least try to gather what information or talent he could use to accomplish his mission. Other: His weapons form out of an unidentified deep red energy, often appearing as a great, swirling mass of some form of text or symbols before solidifying as the intended weapon. [/center][/hider]