Big Red looked between the two girls. Archer Girl was clearly thinking about something while they moved out of the town to the fields beyond the walls. He did watch Druid Girl work, shooing away animals and checking for spiky plants. That second part got a raised eyebrow. He knew pain was something to be avoided, but minor pains could help build a greater tolerance to the bigger pains. Eh different people different desires. [color=red]"You'd be surprised what one afternoon of exercises can do for you."[/color] He said before shaking his head at her question of balance. [color=red]"That's more acrobatic balance. I'm talking more of a combat balance."[/color] He explained before shifting his stance from just standing there. His feet were spread to shoulder width, one was slipped forward a bit, and his knees were in line with his toes. [color=red]"This is the balance I mean. Even if another lizardman were here and tackled me I wouldn't fall and it's versatile for melee."[/color] He stated before leaning back, leaning forward, then to the sides. His feet never moved with his upper-bodies movements. [color=red]"If you can use this stance you'll excel in a physical fight, and from there I can show you proper foot movements that'll let you keep this balance even while shifting location or dodging."[/color] The behemoth stated before turning his attention to Archer Girl. It seemed speaking wasn't something he was good at multi-tasking with. [color=red]"We have all afternoon, we can start with the easy balance training. Sparring with sticks. Or we can do the physical training you mentioned. I'd have had you walk and shoot but...we lack a target that won't break the arrows."[/color] He said while leaving the decision to them. He could go in any of those directions with the two girls. Although he was a bit wary with the sparring...neither of them had shown they were particularly skilled in melee combat...