Rayth let the subject go without a comment when Lune mentioned lines for the showers. Somehow, he doubted she was going to ever have a problem with that. Most of the creatures in the circus didn’t even use them except to rinse off their stage makeup after each show. While they were on the tracks between performances, the car that housed the showers was always empty. He was one of the few who stopped by more often because, as a half-human, he could work up a sweat if his cabin was too warm or if he decided to work out as an outlet for his pent-up energy during the troupe’s travels. He had it on good authority, though, that he never stank even if he glistened after a weight training session. Once the runaway was ready to keep moving, Rayth took a step away from the wall to lead her back to the shower car. “Snow White?” he snorted, glancing down at his own bare torso. The darkness sapped most of the color from his skin, but he could still see that he was tanner than she was, thanks to his father’s Hispanic heritage. “[i]Híjole[/i], I must need sunlight if I’m being compared to the pastiest of Disney princesses,” he pulled a face, then moved toward the door with audible enough footfalls for Lune to hear him if she couldn’t yet see his silhouette in the cabin. He didn’t know exactly how long it took for human’s eyes to adjust to dark spaces. “You can use my shoulder again if you need to,” he offered with a glance back at her. Only pausing long enough for her to decide whether or not she would accept the gesture, he strode back down the shadowy corridor that would take them to the other end of the sleeper cars. Along the way, he stopped by his own cabin to grab his collection of soap and a clean change of clothes. The space he shared with the brownie troupe was an obvious mess that he couldn’t have hidden if he’d tried when he opened the door. Discarded clothes and random assortments of jewelry, playing cards and other odds and ends littered the floor. The air also smelled faintly of tobacco from his roommates’ pipes. The half-vampire skirted around the hazard zone to get to the lower bed bunk, which he reached underneath to retrieve an old, cheap bag with a [i]New Mexico State University[/i] logo printed on the front in faded lettering. It was where he kept most of his personal belongings, and he didn’t feel like digging through it to find his shower supplies, so he slung the whole thing over one shoulder and stepped over an unfinished game of Jenga to get back to Lune. “I heard the doors to the storage cars open a minute ago,” he mentioned offhandedly as he adjusted the strap of the bag to sit more comfortably against his collar. “The others are packing up the Big Top right now, so they’ll probably get here right when we’re done with the showers.” He just hoped they’d all fed well enough to behave around their new human troupe member.