Gift? Or bribe? IT was tempting to head straight home so she could get the flight pack, but Zarah was sure that wasn’t wise. She looked back to see that Lyra seemed uneasy. Zarah wouldn’t be surprised if the stranger had figured out that they were going in a circle. Well, it wasn’t quite a circle. The infinity path was shaped more like figure eight or the infinity symbol. Zarah stopped at the point closest to the town, but hopefully Lyra and Jessica wouldn’t figure that out. She wanted to be as close as possible to where Zigma was to give him as much range as possible. Because Lyra was right with what she was implying. Zigma could get pretty far away. The furthest he had ever gotten was about 1 and a half kilometers. The further away that he got the more he flickered and the more her head hurt. The longest they had ever managed it was about 45 minutes. Zarah had blacked out while Zigma had been as frantic as a ball of light could be and couldn’t talk to anyone. The edge of town was about a kilometer away, but who knew how far away and elder was. The town wasn’t small. Zarah was hoping that someone saw ZIgma and went to fetch an elder for him. She hoped it was soon. Her head was starting to hurt. Plus, she wouldn’t be able to keep Lyra here forever. She ignored the question as she asked, [color=c2be89]“Why are you here Lyra? And I don’t mean here, here, though that would be nice to know too. I mean, why are you here, on Trazie? What in all the cosmos would interest someone from Terra enough to come to Trazie?”[/color] Honestly, Zarah didn’t expect an honest answer. She just hoped that whatever answer she did get she would be able to send to Zigma telepathically. That was harder to do the more distance there was, but she could, and would, try. At least until she was dead. Because that was what Zarah figured was about to happen. If Lyra and Jessica were here to conquer or take over or cause problems for Trazie the last thing they would want would be for some nosy nineteen year old to ruin their plans by asking to many questions that they didn’t want to answer. Would her mother know that she had been murdered? Would Zigma? What would happen to Zigma when she died? Zarah wasn’t sure. She hadn’t given it much thought before. They were connected. She had known that since she first found the strange geode with blue crystals. She had never been able to explain it, but she always had to have it with her. Once, her brother had stolen it for a prank with a few of his friends. She had had a flat-out panic attack when it had been missing for more than five minutes, not a temper tantum, a panic attack. Zigma was hers and she was Zigma’s. That’s all there really was to it.