[color=#556B2F][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210313/2c7470105fc7ebea4a8885049da0d50a.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7offu59.png[/img] [color=556B2F][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]Character Info[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Name[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] - Dustice Behrbeck[/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] - 31[/COLOR] [b]Gender[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] - Male[/COLOR] [B]Place of Origin[/B][COLOR=#556B2F] - Munzo[/COLOR] [b]Type[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] - Newtype[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [sub][b]Mobile Weapon Profile[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Suit Type[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] -Mobile Suit[/COLOR] [B]Suit Style[/B][COLOR=#556B2F] - Zeon[/COLOR] [b]Combat Role[/b][COLOR=#556B2F] - High-Speed Fighter[/COLOR] [B]Suit Armaments[/B][COLOR=#556B2F] - Beam Machine Gun, Beam Sword Axe[/COLOR] [/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]Pilot Personality[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Cool-Headed[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Enough years in combat have led Bareback to not allow his nerves to take over. He's a stoic veteran in combat and is the first to take charge based on his years of experience in war. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Pragmatic[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Bareback is willing to do anything to survive in combat, and he has an extremely pragmatic approach to combat, using whatever advantage he can to win in a fight. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Spiritual[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Seeing the Axis Shock firsthand had an incredible impact on Bareback. He believed the Axis Shock to be a sign to humanity, and he began to change his outlook on life after surviving the Second Neo Zeon War, deciding to do his part to make the universe a better place for mankind instead of propagating the endless cycle of war. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent] Bareback has shoulder-length, light brown hair, parted to the side. His eyes are tired, yet in combat, he keeps a certain sharpness that only a veteran of several wars can have. His face is perpetually turned into a frown, though he is not a cruel man. And while he is only in his early 30's, the obvious years of war have aged him. [/indent][/color] [b]Character Conceptualization[/b] [color=#807B84][indent] Bareback takes the role of the experienced veteran; a man who joined the Titans on the spot to search for his father, who’d joined the Zeon Remnants, who continually found himself working for those who committed atrocities throughout the various wars. After finally finding his father working for Hamon Karn during the First Neo Zeon War, Bareback defected the Titans after Jamitov Hyman's death and served with Neo Zeon until Hamon Karn's death. During the Second Neo Zeon War, he signed up to fight under the heroic Red Comet, Char Aznable. But history would repeat itself, as once more he found himself fighting on a side that only wanted to bring more destruction. Growing exasperated by the constant war and politics that corrupted good men, and seeing the miracle during the Axis Meteor fall as a sign, Bareback left fighting for a political cause and took up work acting as a bodyguard and mercenary, protecting freighters and civilians for better causes. [/indent][/color] [b]Mobile Weapon Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Bareback pilots the [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/AMS-119_Geara_Doga]AMS-119 Geara Doga[/url] which was his MS during the Second Neo Zeon War. It has since been repainted gray, to signify his neutral affiliation in the post-war. Bareback had done multiple modifications to the MS, increasing the Geara Doga's speed and mobility with added boosters. The Geara Doga's armaments remain the same as the standard model, but the increased mobility takes it from being a very middle-of-the-road mobile suit to a speedy combat MS capable of fulfilling many roles in battle. [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]