Appearance: [img=] Name: Kain Highwind Age: 21 Race: Human Hometown: Vaneel Biography: Son of retired Dragoon Cid Highwind, Kain had planed to become one at a young age. Despite having such a lofty goal, his life was relatively normal until her enrolled in the academy. While having a dad with all the right connections helped him get in, he didn't want to coast through the academy merely on his dad's name. He wanted to make a name for himself. Because of this, he poured himself into his training, believing that he had to prove the he belonged their on his own merits, and not just because of who's son he was Dragonartes: Skyfall Skywalk Weapon(s): [hider=Gae Bolg][img=] The family spear. Gae Bolg's spear head is made out of mithrial, making it lighter and stronger the steel[/hider] Roleplaying Sample: 'So that's a dragon, huh? Odd, I'd thought they be...bigger' Kain mused as he watched his prey; a large red dragon, sleeping in the ruins of a recently destroyed village. 'Oh well. Little or not, this thing is still a monster, and it needs to be brought down.' Drawing the weapon of his ancestors; Gae Bolg, he took a quick stock of the situation 'ideally, I could just end this with the first strike, but I doubt that it's really going to be that easy. Even if it's asleep. Oh well, guess I'll just have to play it by ear, hope everything works out' Leaping high into the sky, he aimed himself so that he would land spear first into the monster's head. However, it was not to be. As he began his decent, the dragon awoke and spotted him in the air 'yep...I called it' Kain mentally deadpanned. As Kain was hurtling down towards the dragon, the beast let out a stream of fire from it's mouth to intercept him. Moving quickly, Kain began running forward in midair, halting his rapid decent and moving him out of the, literal, line of fire. Landing safely in front of the dragon, he turned around to address it "I know this is probably a stupid question, but are we going to have to do this the easy way...or the hard way?" His answer came in the form of a loud roar "yep...I called it" he said with a smirk on his face