Arn felt the sudden change in the pelt he was petting. He had felt all along a sort of discrepancy between the man wolf and the natural world. As a person with a miniscule connection to the spirits of animals, he felt a sort of lasting tinge on the pelts. This could not be if the furs were linked to their still living bodies. However, the tinge felt repressed, as if trapped or being overpowered by someone or something. After the initial concern of subduing the creature had passed. The experience hunter was able to focus on the actual animal thing against him. The animal ears though able to move, did not seem to have the same yield and consistency of the wolves they mimicked. They were much to rigid as if they were merely covering for a frame underneath. [color=ed1c24]Rasping, the man-wolf whined and rasped. "Nrrrr! Nrrrrrgghh!"[/color] When the man wolf went limp, so did the furs. The dead weight of the person started to slide off Arn as one does off a bed. The more the big man tried to grab the furs the more the furs seemed to come loose. Soon, the hunter was putting more effort in keeping the creature on him thatn preventing the creature from getting off him. Finding it ever difficult to grab hold of the unconscious creature, Arn shifted his body and settled it on the ground. He watched over the young healer as she worked her magic. Unknown to the hunter, she actually did work some magic into the wolf man. The only evidence of this was a slight prickling on the back of the hunter’s neck. Yet as he watched, he noticed something strange. A wolf’s head would often fall to one side or the other as the muzzle was too heavy. The top of the wolf attempted to do this but he human jaws remained straight forward producing a strange contortion of the head. Trying to correct this weird visage, the hunter grabbed hold of the head and felt it dislodge even further. Curiosity trumped caution and soon he found himself peeling the wolf skull free enough to notice that it was not permanently attached to the man below. He turned towards Gwendolyn with a look of confusion and concern. Arn looked down at the creature with a small amount of distrust. However, the same dilemma assailed him. As animal or human, it still needed healing. Though the hunter did not doubt the young woman’s skill, he felt that a more experienced healer might increase the chances of survival of the creature. [color=0054a6]“We must take it…him.. to your father.”[/color]