[hider=Danny] Name: Danielle McCoy, but friends and foes alike call her Danny Alias: As a heroine, she went by Crimson Flame, but as a villain she's known as Dragonfire Age: 13 Gender: Female Division: Strength Powers: Danny is a magical girl, with various flame and dragon themed attacks. Originally, her flames were red, but since her turn to evil, they've become black. Description: Civilian: [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R092f23815db2e8a0a29564078559ef67?rik=h1rf8POY6aPHMQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg2.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20140822070617%2fnarutoprofile%2fimages%2f9%2f97%2fAnime_girl_with_red_hair_by_angel24601-d7q5fkh.jpg&ehk=TB%2f68vjuck4OUbfuyCaJhwRRhRKCaL1PwFbeQOB79bA%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw [/img] Heroine: [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Hv1ZSz3W1PwEukJnJnmaKwHaKd?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] Villain:[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.W9oMk103jbZ7oRb9WnnOXQHaLy?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] Personality: Danny has two modes, depending on what form she's in. In her civilian form, she's peppy and chatty, happily assisting any villain plan out their schemes, whether it's robbing the local sandwich shop or becoming an omnipotent ruler of the multiverse. As Dragonfire, though, she becomes terrifying single-minded and sadistic, thinking nothing of harming civilians or torturing a defeated foe. It's like she flips from a total sweetheart to the Joker. Crush: None Skills: Danny has an excellent and innate grasp for strategy. Weaknesses: Catch her untransformed, and she's just a thirteen-year old girl, utterly helpless against superheroes. Backstory: Danny was once a normal girl, until she met an injured dragon named Tiamat. She helped hide Tiamat from the monsters chasing her, and in return, Tiamat granted her some of her power. It seemed like every Saturday morning there was a fiend of the week to deal with, but eventually, she learned that they had a leader. A sort of ooze monster named Firgle, who wanted cause pain and misery so he could feed off it. Danny ventured into another realm to defeat him, but in the process, she and Tiamat each got a drop of slime on them. Just one drop, but it was enough to corrupt them, twisting their morals and turning them hopelessly, incurably evil. Other: Danny has a rapier when transformed, when she draws it, it transmutes into black fire, blade and hilt. It looks [i]really[/i] cool. Tiamat: Uncorrupted [img]https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=2Dl4QxVs&id=756545D9F871FB41E54A166FB224F156BE0295C8&thid=OIP.2Dl4QxVs-WMdZ9XASvSiJgHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpre00.deviantart.net%2f0ac5%2fth%2fpre%2fi%2f2010%2f005%2f4%2fc%2fred_dragon_line_art_color_by_11thangel.png&exph=894&expw=894&q=cute+red+dragon&simid=608033654674229934&ck=35B6EA8EE6DB7D17B3D4DE9C7C917E17&selectedIndex=0&FORM=IRPRST[/img] Corrupted: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d3/fe/af/d3feafe9c3b6fd4edc61cdc45d66bb1d--dragons-den-here-be-dragons.jpg[/img] [/hider]