[h1]Paris Beurra[/h1] The man growled as he looked at the hasty companion and he looked at the other who was lagging behind as he slowly moved forward, raising his shield and slowly tromping in the shadows, he wasn't the quietest thing ever but once the other had decided to charge out, he slowly would push forward. His mind was full of the idea, of scouting, not slaughter, but that was ruined, so now it's, let the guy take attention, and move by. Paris turned lightly and looked about to make sure that he wasn't about to get shot again that day, but if anyone just listened they could likely hear the mechanics of his armor, as well as likely, see some of the metal underneath the foliage. Light would likely not do much to help them with reflections, but he still was likely a lighter and more silvery color compared to the foliage, even if he was coated in soot, dirt, and everything else that had been collected over the past however long it has been since they landed. He heard a bit of static in his helmet and sighed softly, next time they stop he might try fixing it, it was getting a connection, but it just wasn't wanting to give audible sounds that weren't static. Paris turned his head lightly, "just stay low... we can use his foolishness to our advantage, he might have stirred the forest, but he could likely direct attention away from us until we are in better positions to attack from. Or, we can just move past..."