[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#cdb7b5]Rose Buckner[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdy8elkAAU1raa8wb.gif[/img] [I][color=#cdb7b5]Location:[/color] Camelot: The pub [color=#cdb7b5]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#cdb7b5]"I do have a bunch of questions, but I'm going to start with this one. I have this memory of a wolf, it was growling but it was standing in front of me facing away. Like it was growling at something coming toward me. I've always liked wolves because of this memory, but is that real? Did that happen? Or was it some kid fantasy thing?"[/color] Rose wasn't sure about kid fantasies in a world that three days ago she would have called a fantasy. Rose lifted her head as Willow called for Merlin. Wondering what was going on that she needed his help. Though there did seem to be a lot of noise coming from upstairs. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Red. [color=#cdb7b5]"Think we should investigate?"[/color] She was curious about what all the ruckas was for. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#bf85f2]Colby Jackson[/color][/h1] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/7b0413f440d949e2aa06a293c7bafb42/tenor.gif?itemid=9757139[/img] [I][color=#bf85f2]Location:[/color] Camelot [color=#bf85f2]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Colby's face was scratched up by the birds. What had happened? He had no idea why the birds were in the room attacking. This seemed like some weird magic thing. He grabbed a blanket off the bed and used it to catch some of the birds. He was able to get five of the crows. Corvids are notoriously smart. Could they be trained birds? [color=#bf85f2]"That's what you get for ruining my game of Go Fish. I was winning."[/color] He paused. [color=#bf85f2]"Wait you weren't attacking cause you thought we actually had fish right?"[/color] He asked the birds as if they could actually answer him. Meanwhile, Jack, that cat, stretched and started swatting at a bird nearby. The cat seemed immensely pleased with the prospect of murdering a bird. Even if the bird was able to escape. Colby shook his head. [color=#bf85f2]"Come on Jack you're better at this than that. Cats are responsible for the extinction of 33 species you can kill one apparently magical crow hell bent on murdering us."[/color]