[@ERode]: Your question is very valid. Exactly what kind of damage characters can take is expected to vary, I suppose. Getting stabbed might not be an issue for our robot catgirl, but if you're human without some sort of healing magic it'll be a big deal. Your average artifact hunter is generally a fairly skillful human. They maybe know magic, they may not. They're typically good at fighting or escaping from danger. For feats of superhuman capability... I'd expect some ability to dodge bullets, and definitely deal with bandits and your more standard creatures very effectively. Additionally, fighting some of the more "regular" named opponents should be plenty possible. But when it comes to more substantial threats I expect people to need to work together for now, until things start picking up in terms of character progression. And we have some individual capabilities such as Rune's character who can demolish undead and deal with ghosts very effectively. I feel like I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this, and unfortunately when I do get my bio up her complete lack of combat ability won't be able to give a good idea of what I'm expecting. But to put it in a little perspective, before putting this RP up I originally have a much stronger character in mind who [i]could [/i]freely deflect a hail of bullets and clear bandit camps by herself, but I decided to split her plotline off as I concluded she was far too strong(and would steal the spotlight way too much) for the vision I had for the RP to begin with.