[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201025/dd702eb17fdec7fba9d74c5598f95d63.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/348990511/original.gif[/img] [color=91D559]_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________[/color][/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][indent] Christian was chatting it up with Spike and Eleazar - right up until the moment when an unnamed goddess decided to approach the grill herself. [color=91D559]”We totally have cheese,”[/color] he blurted out. [color=91D559]”I uh… I’m Christian, by the way,”[/color] he said, offering her a hand to shake while grabbing his plate from Eleazar. Stuffing his hamburger into his mouth, Christians eyes widened. [color=91D559]”Dudes,”[/color] he said, turning back to Spike and Eleazar. [color=91D559]”These are fucking amazing. [i]Thank you.[/i]”[/color] As a scruffy looking character approached the group, Christian waved the smoke out of both his and the goddesses face. Taking another bite, Christian thoroughly chewed and swallowed his food before speaking again. [color=91D559]”Don’t just blow smoke everywhere by yourself, fam. Pass that shit so we can all blow clouds.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]