[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/31d701292fbfeb31a0dedf93471b9a60.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uGE47iW.png?1[/img][/center] [color=FFE5CC]Tyler Jane was consumed by the music, utterly distracted and entranced by the highs and the lows of the notes and fueled by the shots she had already taken. The night was young and she wanted to soak it up for all it was worth. She had turned to venture to the kitchen, hopefully to find another drink to sustain her. And then like magic, there was a boy in front of her extending a red solo cup in her direction. She gave him a once over as they both stood there, time nearly stopping in the moments that she took in his outward appearance. The redhead was sure she had never seen him before - quickly delineating that he was a Liberty kid - his dark hair and mysterious sapphire eyes making an impression without him needing to say more than a phrase. It was the way that he held himself that said it all with no words- the boy practically oozed charm and a debonair grace. He had definitely captured her attention, [I]that[/I] was for sure. [color=FFA54D]"How'd you know?"[/color] Tyler Jane smirked, brushing hands with the boy as she took the cup from his grasp, the contact like an electric shock. She didn't bother asking questions about where the beverage came from (not exactly her brightest decision, after all she was already tipsy) and the girl simply took a sip before continuing to speak. [color=FFA54D]"I could never say no to a drink."[/color][/color]