Droka returned the glasses to his face surprisingly quickly when it became clear that Seifer was too focused on the chance to take a swing at Zack to focus on him. His body continued to shiver as the terrors of what might have been continued to course through his body but... there was something else that was brewing in the depths as well. He was so sick and tired of being ignored. Fear and terror quickly proved to be a dry tinder as frustration and irritation struck sparks and lit their tainted flames. Deep down, he wanted to scream in fury. To pick up Vivi's struggle bat and charge that arrogant bastard, taking advantage of his focus on Zack and just... pummel him into the ground! But he couldn't, despite wanting too. Seifer was physically stronger then him, as well as pretty damn good with a struggle bat despite his ego making him want to show off all the time. He also had at least two friends who would probably step in if he tried to sneak attack their 'leader', even if he was overdue some solid whacks to the back of the head. The knowledge that he didn't have a chance of doing anything to Seifer apart from make the bully laugh in his face from his sub par attempts to attack him didn't make the desire to attack go away. In fact, it just made the boiling rage worse as shame and fear just seemed to fuel the blaze further. He honestly wasn't sure if he was still shaking in fear of what might have happened if light had touched his eyes or anger at being completely disregarded as a non entity, but his hands started to clench tightly into fists and he could feel his eyes water as they threatened to tear up. He hated feeling this way. He didn't want to feel like this. He just... he just wanted to go and leave this whole stupid affair behind him so he could get some shopping and go home and let it all out then pretend like he hadn't wasted his time with the mess but... something bid him to stay despite his desire to go. He had only gotten involved because Vivi was being picked on and... even if Vivi hadn't spent any time with him for a while he still considered him a friend... even if Vivi didn't want anything to do with him anymore. His eyes covered by tinted glass, he turned his head to look at Vivi... and took a deep breath as he tried to keep the tide of emotion plaguing him out of his voice as he softly asked "[color=00aeef]Vivi can... can we please just go? I'll help find you a better teacher just... If I stay here much longer I'm going to do something stupid and I don't want to just leave you to get your butt handed to you over and over again because Seifer sucks at explaining things.[/color]" [@Double]