[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@Dark Cloud][@ZAVAZggg][@MajorGremlin] "I'm one of the smarter and better educated people where I'm from." Jesse said defensively, as he awkwardly went up the escalator. Escalators may have seemed rather benign to someone from this world, but it was a surreal experience for Jesse. He felt relieved when the escalator seemed to end at the second floor...only to notice there were more escalators to get to the top. "Whatever happened to normal stairs?" He asked as he got on the next escalators reluctantly. They eventually arrived at an office area, with silent miserable zombie-like humans getting through their work day staring at their computers as if they were terminally ill and on death's doorstep. Even in Jesse's apocalypse world where it was common to be torturously executed or eaten by mountain lions, Jesse had never seen this level of misery from so many people. "Whats wrong with them?" He whispered to anyone who would answer. [/quote] The elevator door opens and a man in a suit flies out backwards. Elvis F'n Presley steps out onto the floor. He jogs over to the group,[color=gold] "Hey daddy, we need to cut a rug, these suits wanna send us to the funny farm."[/color] [color=gold]"Where's the nearest exit out of the twilight zone?"[/color]